Jump in Quest won’t progress
The complete jump in 3 times quest will not progress. I have tried winning jump in then resigning ( repeated 3 times over). Then I had tried winning 3 matches on each jump in then resigning and did that 3 times but it did not progress so I have been stuck with out being able to progress for months now!
Meekaiel Lo'Turran#98631 commented
Same issue, hopefully it is resolved soon 🤓
Myzifer#89887 commented
I recently got upto this and encountered the exact same issue and still no resolution from the looks of it.
EllGeeEmm#33831 commented
Same issue.
Y7M#89282 commented
I have the Jump in! weekly quest. I have completed 3 or 4 Jump in! events and I still only have 1/3 in the counter.
tincanking88#17577 commented
This is an extremely frustrating bug. I've thrown around 10,000 gold at Jump-in in various attempts to clear this quest and get something new, and nothing has worked.
Camotyger#70673 commented
So its been months, and this problem still has my quests locked up, and i just keep getting the same auto message, anyway to just like manually reset our quests wizards? come on so many of use have waisted stuff trying to fix this now...
Fecronasc#43708 commented
Same problem here. 3 Jump In free tokens and 5000 gold burned and no way to clear the Quest.
Mr.Fox.#68611 commented
Same problem.