Rng horrible
I play against greasefang, both players in top-deck mode, I have a lot of card draw, like two great cromlechs, 4 elderly gargarots, the wolf on turn 2 that draws when attacking, the ape that has not stopped putting lands on the field when put creatures in so as not to draw so much land, etc., the amulet of the archdruid that also draws, and hey, I lose against their top-decks because I can't draw anything but lands in 234234 turns.
In addition to strong creatures with reach to stop his parhelion, I bring the carrion ooze and also two runestones of old to stop his reanimation plan.
Well, I can't steal them either.
The game does not want me to win, despite having made a great sideboard for the game, because it is clear that the player against whom I was paired, who was in mythical by the way, had to win at all costs against a diamond low playing a mono green, simply because the game feels like it is the other player who has to be on mythic but I don't
This game is an absolute scam.