How fun, diamond 1 promo to mythical if I win at bo3, I go against a mono red at bo3, they come out three turns in a row with kumano followed by creatures without stopping, did they have their hand in god mode in the 3 games? Yes, although it sounds strange. They had " brotherhood end" on a sideboard as it could not be otherwise, how strange, mono red carrying that card, you can see that they match him a lot against artifacts, ehem.
Also in all the games I have had to mulligan without stopping, it's funny, the mono reds put in the perfect lands, I go with 25 lands in a midrange deck of artifacts and I didn't get past the third even doing mulligan, the starting hands were all 1 mana, absolute garbage of a gimmicked game haha that's so pathetic, so disrespectful.
They only look for matchups that counter you perfectly and also the mulligans are useless, the bo3 is just as **** as the bo1 no matter how much they sell you the opposite. Incredible how tricked it was, it was funny. Taking a mulligan was useless. Rigged game.