Cosm that deals damage to equal to creatures power used that creatures deathtouch to kill target creature even though target had health left
Cosmic Hunger deals damage to equal to creatures power to target creature. The Atraxia's skitterfang had deathtouch and targeted my creature with 4 toughness leaving 2 toughness remaining after the spell resolved, but the game/spell used that creatures deathtouch to kill my target creature even though target had health left. This should not happen according to the flavour of the card as the creatures did not fight nor did their creature attack mine the flavour specifies damage equal to creatures power so the cosmic hunger should not transfer the deathtouch ability to it as it is not the axtria's damage but the cosmic hunger's damage that hits my creature

DAC169#34537 commented
Any damage dealt by creatures with deathtouch is lethal to creatures. Cosmic Hunger makes a creature deal damage to another target. THE CREATURE ITSELF IS WHAT IS DOING THE DAMAGE.