**BUG** Menace creature blocked & killed by a single blocker
In a premiere draft match today I attacked with a creature that has menace. The defending player attempted to block said creature with a single creature and the game play allowed the block to be assigned. It then asked me in what order I wanted to assign damage, but with only one blocker there was no order to set. If I clicked done, it went back to the game play and then asked again about damage order as if it needed me to pick a second blocker that wasn't there. After several attempts clicking done and having it return to the decision, I let my time bank expire and the game proceeded to damage. His single blocker then killed my menace creature, and ultimately I lost the game.
Normally I'd shrug off a glitch like this, but this is a basic mechanic that had a material effect on the outcome of a match I paid to play. Please make me whole for this error. Log file attached.
KEYPLYR#37570 commented
Will do, thanks.
Seems others have had this issue too....
DAC169#34537 commented
For compensation for Draft problems go to https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/ and select "Report a problem with my event."