lost in the maze didn't tap any opponent creature
I played lost in the maze but didn't let me choose any opponent target creature

ecep#92962 commented
Apparently it's because of how much you paid for X.
Enter a value greater than the number of cards on the board and cast it, it becomes unselectable. -
routergnome#42116 commented
I have experienced this bug twice in the latest patch. No apparent reason, but maybe related to X value. The card info also shows "flashback" though the card has no flashback.
3 targets on the board (2 of the opponents, one of mine), none hexproof, paid 4 for x value, 2 blue mana, 4 white. It just skips the targeting part of the card and moves to the next phase as though 0 for X was paid.
DAC169#34537 commented
How much did you pay for X? Did your opponent's creatures have hexproof?