Make standard 60 card capped.
Will wizards ever stop placing 60 card decks against decks with 100 to 250 cards? its a BS advantage in a game where everyone gets 2 free mulligans with the hand smoothing algorithm. Yes I know there is standard brawl but that also limits you to one of each card and a commander which is just dumb, fix the format laziness is sad hasbro.

Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
It has now been since July 29th and not a single peep from the garbage humans that work for wizards about why they think it makes sense to let jank decks play against 60 card decks. There is not a single gamestore that would even allow these decks to play against 60 card decks unless it was a jank night, this is pathetic
bonsai#70698 commented
Yep. I now just snap-concede against any "off-format-sized-decks".
Those "tower" decks have never been allowed at our LGS in regular FNM play nor in our old place in D.C, nor in Chicago. They just waste people's time.
We'll occasionally have a "jank day" where any/all decks are allowed. It's chaotic fun, but *shockingly* The standard format's deck-size is the ONLY deck size allowed in normal play.
If WotC wants Arena records to actually matter to people, they will likewise create a "jank mode" where any/all deck sizes above the format are allowed. Until then, I'll just continue snap-conceding to time-wasting jank--especially in best-of-threes.
Oh, shout-out to Flock0Ducks (original poster) for his amazingly original decks. I'll pass/snap-concede on offensive-Mill, but always up for anything else.
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
The longer this post goes ignored is just proof that hasbro and wizards only care about money and do not care at all about their player base, if they truly gave a **** about the feedback that they basically beg for on this page then they would respond to more than 1 out of every 500 posts
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
For ***** sake fix you stupid algorithm, there is no reason a 250 card deck should be curving out better than a 60 card deck, this garbage has got to be addressed, you guys have ignored this post for two months at this point and there is no other way to get you stupid attention
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
Still getting placed against decks with far to many cards that curve out perfectly, this game and the people who are in charge of balancing are trash and need to be replaced
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
Getting close to the 2 month mark of no response from anyone from hasbro, and almost every game is still against someone with significantly more cards that 60 in their deck and they still somehow seem to curve out perfectly every game. The blatant scamming of your customers needs to be addressed, you people do nothing about the fact that your game is so obviously rigged and it is pathetic
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
Still waiting for a response from a human about why the game has been allowed to become so bad and predictable. Nearly every single game that I am put into the other player has more than 60 cards, the game needs a complete rework if it is not going to actually be a random draw, the fact that a 250 card deck can curve out every game better than a 60 card deck should not be a normal thing, this game needs to be fixed, it is pathetic
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
at this point I have just resorted to scooping from any deck that has to many cards, there is zero reason to stay and get screwed over by the algorithm that needs to be removed from the game. There should be a format introduced that has no hand smoothing, and no algorithm that decides anything to do with the decks at all, it should be 100% random just like it would be in paper magic, this game has turned into a money grab and it is a pathetic business practice and an outright scam.
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
This has gotta be the laziest organization at this point where they are happy to have you spend money but wont even respond to simple questions.
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
Been waiting for a simple response from a wizards/hasbro employee for over a month now, guess I will just continue to talk to myself while hasbro profits off of rigging games and making a game that people grew up on turn to garbage. There is not a single format right now that feels as though it is not rigged, each game played in standard against anyone with more than 60 cards feels like garbage, this is pathetic at this point. I know I should just quit playing, but why do that when I can just come here and complain until someone from the trash organization does the bare minimum that is responding to their customers that they ASKED for feedback.
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
still waiting for a response considering more than half the games played are still against 200 to 250 card decks, the rest feel rigged against a deck that has the perfect response to anything and everything that i play regardless of the deck that it is. Gotta wonder if hasbro or wizards ever actually looks at this stuff
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
Still waiting, the game has returned to every single opponent having the perfect response to any cards that I play in any deck while playing standard, so far it has been 10 games in a row today alone where the opposite player has had exactly what they need, rigged more than any other game, pretty sad there hasbro
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
still waiting for a response from any idiot that works for this trash game company, doubt it will ever happen but hey somebodies gotta continue to complain to you idiots
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
I don't even know how many days its been at this point. honestly this is just a pathetic response, I get it, theres other threads that have 10 pages of comments and not a single response from hasbro's lazy employees, why even have this page if you guys are just going to ignore everyone that you asked for feedback from?
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
another day past and another day of a garbage company ignoring basically all of their players who say anything negative, what a surprise, hasbro should have never been allowed to buy wizards and mess up the game like this
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
still waiting for one of the money grubbing garbage humans that works for hasbros greedy company to respond
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
hopped into 5 games in a row and all were against 180-250 cards, whoever decided the game should have this while also having an algorithm that gives two free mulligans is beyond stupid
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
still not playing this trash but I would still like a human that works for the greedy company that runs it to verify if my game was broken or if the piece of **** was supposed to put me against nothing but 100-250 card decks, doubt it will happen but hey I'll come check to see if the ***** that work here will actually speak every week or so
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
This game needs a full rework, no point in playing standard at this time, deleting this cash grab game and going to something where the developers arent just money grubbing scrubs
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
now lets add 24 land decks flooding every time rather than getting anything playable, this game is absolute trash in digital form, is this how they regulate and control the gameplay in order to stop people from playing certain decks? why not just make everything 100% random and stop with the marketing bull. hasbro has destroyed a decent game in the name of profits and all the sheep just sit there and act like its not rigged as ****.