[Bug] Discover Mechanic when casting Spells with X Mana Cost
Give us the steps to reproduce the bug:
- I have "Chimil, the Inner Sun" in play. At the beginning of my end step, it gets triggered and I selected "Kayla's Reconstruction". I mistakenly casted it instead of putting it in my hand (which was a misplay but still fine). "Kayla's Reconstruction" gets casted and I get stuck and got timed out during the option of choosing cards to play with its' effect. Unable to "Select 0" cards to cast.
Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS):
- PC
Enter the actual results you’re experiencing:
- Timed out and lost the match. I was playing Best of 3.
Enter the expected results of the feature:
- I should be able to "Select 0" when casting "Kayla's Reconstruction" since I discovered the card without paying X additional mana cost for its effect. In summary, "Kayla's Reconstruction" should have no effect and entered my graveyard.
Add any relevant screenshots/videos:
- I wasn't able to take a screenshot / video.
If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps:
- None.