Bug after bug after bug after bug after bug
Cannot sideboard after game 2 in BO3. Game crashes if I receive a reward. Cannot click on cards in deck while drafting. Game is unplayable. I don’t see how you can release such a **** poor update after this game being out for how many years? Do the people maintaining this game have actual experience creating software or did you hire an after-school JR High club to program for you? I have never played a game that x number of years in continues to have the same easily identifiable and fixable issues that are not identified prior to updating. It’s obvious no one bothered to test iOS prior to releasing the update. It’s simply egregious that you release such **** on the regular and manage to ruin the best game ever. You should honestly be ashamed….but you aren’t because you lack shame. You’re just a behemoth owned by nameless, faceless shareholders seeking to make profit off of genuine garbage. What’s the point in even playing if I’m at a disadvantage going into game 3? Such a joke. You developed Arena because it would be easier to program for. Well, your JR high class is still failing.