your game is now garbage. arena is rigged.
making me draw terribly a dozen games in a row because i previously did well makes for a horrible customer experience. dont pretend your ai isnt doing it on purpose. 2 green mana, 4 white mana, 1 card in hand, costs 1 and white, cast a 4 mana spell, ai automatically taps all 4 white mana, no creatures or other cards have any abilities that require green, lose the game next turn that i would have otherwise won. 2 games back to back where i drew 8 of 1 color land and 0 of the other color. the chances of that are astronomically low. extend that to 6 games, the chances of that happening in a row are almost zero. but it happened. arena is so stupidly and obviously rigged its disgusting. knowingly selling people this product is horribly unethical. worry about fixing your game, not the pc culture of the people playing. i know you wont because the only thing the you care about is getting people to spend a few extra dollars on your garbage program. glad i play for free and stopped buying cards years ago for this exact reason. i used to buy multiple boxes of every set. and now you have been relegated to a few free games whenever i get bored because your garbage company is running a beloved game of millions into the ground for the attempt of a few dollars of quick cash. you lost thousands to try to ***** me into paying 10 dollars a couple times a year. really stupid business practice. get bent.