After the Alchemy: Bloomburrow update, the daily quest XP and the daily win XP are stucked and not increasing
After the Alchemy: Bloomburrow update, the daily quest XP and the daily win XP are stucked and not increasing.
At the beginning of the day, I was at Mastery level 32 and 750 XP. I have completed the 500 XP daily quest and the 10 daily wins for 25 XP each. I would have been at Mastery level 33 and 500 XP, but I only recived 25 XP for the first daily win and now I'm still stucked at Mastery level 32 and 775 XP (750 XP + 25 daily win XP).
725 XP were not credited.
Solve this bug, please.

Blind Guardian Ayreon#76685 commented
Same issue on PC (Windows 11) - no XP at all for the completed daily quest or for any of the daily wins.
Peros#69510 commented
The same situation on my pc/win.
Stuck on 400/1000 xp, no advancement after 4/15 wins and a dsily quest completion.. -
Frogoda21#33498 commented
Same issue here! Pretty sure i didn't recieve any yesterday because I didn't level up and think i should have, but today I watched carefully starting at 400xp/1000xp. 5 wins, daily and weekly, and the quest all did not add xp.
Raziel_Nim#55543 commented
Same here on iOS, did not get any xp for any win after updating neither from the daily quest
Charlie#83053 commented
I did a quest and two or three wins that I didn't get EXP for. However I did get EXP for my first 5 or 6 wins.
Rogue#98563 commented
Same for me on Android