Jace Reawakened Ultimate
Jace Reawakened last ability seem to not be working properly.
For Jace using his -6 ability, it states until end of turn cast spells will be copied, but as of recently it only seems to work for the first spell and then any spells cast after the first don't get copied.
Also Tamiyo
These planeswalkers were both working as intended up until yesterday. as (8/20/24 with the update), they don't seem to be working correctly.

T@rox#66633 commented
It seems to be solved, kind of...
Zanderhar#70889 commented
Yes! I've been straight up kneecapped by this bug. Cast a plotted Halo Forager, which was copied, tried to cast and copy two Thoughtseize off it, only got one, then the second Halo Forager only cast, not copied a fatal push.
It is clear to see after the first spell is cast, that the effect on the left side of the screen where emblems and such sit, disappears!
Please fix this soon, Jace is a good card but his nerfed ultimate hurts a lot.
TheMagicHipster#06284 commented
This is what appears to be happening I ultimated Jace Reawakened with -6 and cast jackdaw savior which copied, Then I cast Nettle guard and the game failed to copy the spell
Creator#04824 commented
I'm grinding in mythic. 7 days left and this bug is costing me greatly.
Hydroclasm#45141 commented
Also experienced the bug with Jace's -6, only copied my first spell after activating rather than all spells that turn. Pretty rough time when a PW's ultimate doesn't work as advertised.
(Screenshots explanation - I would've had lethal poison counters if infectious inquiry and experimental augury were both copied, but only the inquiry was copied since I cast it first. My opponent got to take another turn before they conceded.)