Bug involving Season of Weaving and Kitsnap
I am on android. There was actually 2 bugs that cost me 2000 gems in my sealed event. 1st happened as I was in the lobby for my opponent the screen suddenly read cannot upload collection, then changed and said waiting for opponent for like 2 minutes. No connecting to server screen that would indicate a connection lost or anything. So I reset the game and when I tried to log back in the game had issued me a match loss which was my second. The third came against an opponent who played Season of Weaving with Kitsnap on my Moonglove Bat. The card states to return all nonland nontoken permanents to its OWNER'S hand but it didn't return the kitsnap nor my bat back to the respective owners hands. The opponent did this 3 times with the loop with storm chasers talent and all three times it didn't return the bat nor the kitsnap. He then killed me with the bat.
DAC169#34537 commented
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