Game has never felt more rigged since bloomburrow release
Ever since the release of Bloomburrow the game has seemed increasingly rigged every game played, the opponent has the perfect response to everything regardless of what you draw and visa versa. It has taken any and all fun out of the game having multiple decks that can win games by turn 4, standard should be significantly smaller, many cards should not have been added and many more should have rotated. I believe hasbro has no idea what they are doing when it comes to this game and are just being greedy and trying to get people to spend more money on this waste of a game.

Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
Game feels worse by the day at this point, there is not a single game that feels like it is not already planned out ahead of time, absolute trash
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
This **** isnt even enjoyable anymore, it used to be a decent play where sometimes youd win sometimes youd lose, now pretty much every game is a loss unless you run mono red, this **** is dumb as ****
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
Will anyone from hasbro grace this comment section with their garbage presence to give me some sort of insight as to why this game has been allowed to get to such a trash state? And then you have the audacity to try and peddle your BS through sending me countless emails about your later releases, I have not and will not spend a single penny on anything for hasbro, I just want to know why you garbage people think this stuff is ok to do to your consumers?
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
still feeling more rigged than ever before even after a useless update, when is wizards going to acknowledge the sorry state of their standard format and do something to fix it?
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
Does anyone that works for hasbro even respond to this stuff or is it only the basement dwelling supporters that still think they are the greatest game company in existence? Honestly dont even want to hear from anyone except the people who have the ability to fix something that is broken, not the people who still support this trash
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
still waiting for a ****** person from the ****** company to respond about their blatant lack of effort in balancing their garbage game
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
Another day and more rigged feeling games, there is no reason each and every game should feel so rigged they are predictable, is anyone at hasbro gonna fix this trash?
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
Every single game has been short and garbage in standard, when will this garbage get addressed and changed? why does the opponent always have the perfect response when in paper magic these exact decks would flop on their faces?
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
Still happening every single game