Seriously, stop allowing alchemy cards in brawl/ historic brawl
Repeatedly running into alchemy cards while playing historic brawl is entirely ruining my MTGA experience. It is becoming enough of an issue that I'm planning on just abandoning MTGA after having spent hundreds of dollars on the game over the years.
I seriously hate these cards. They are not fun to play against. They are game breaking. The go outside the spirit of the game. They are trying to turn MtG into a hearthstone clone and I'm sick of seeing them.
I'm sorry but cards that let you "conjure" the power nine into your deck (making a brawl deck 100% illegal by doing so), cards that let any color have access to demonic tutor (a card that isn't legal to play in historic brawl, and can be "conjured" in decks that don't match that color), cards that duplicate lands simply by playing lands, cards that "conjure" urzatron lands, making your deck an illegal deck by having 103 cards. It's just getting ridiculous and every time I see them, I just scoop. I'm fairly sure most people who lose to alchemy cards can all agree that it feels cheap and never feels like a good game.
Stop ******* with the cash grab. Stop the janky hearthstone ****. Concentrate on what makes mtg amazing and seriously just split up the formats.