No Visual Indication for Mastery Pass Reward Card
I just won a game which took me past level 59 of the Mastery Pass, of which I bought the bottom row. That granted me 2 mythic cards.
The cards are in my collection, but there was NO VISUAL INDICATION that I received the cards.
Usually when we get cards, as for example as in the daily passes, a graphic comes up showing the back of the card, and we tap on it to reveal the front.
The card rewards in the Mastery Pass should work the same way, but they don't. There's no visual indication; you have to know it happened and go look at your cards and then try to figure out which are the two you got. It's very frustrating.

LarterStyles commented
This bug has unfortunately been around for at least a year, but hasn’t appeared on the Known Issues List (, so I doubt it’ll ever get fixed.
As a workaround, you can open your Collection (via the Deck Builder screen), which will display any new cards you’ve won at the very front of your collection (highlighted with a “new” tag).
Unfortunately, new cards are only highlighted in your collection once, so if you access it (e.g. by updating a deck) before you’ve realised that you’ve won some new mythic rares, then it’s virtually impossible to identify what cards you won.