Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant and Emperor Apatzec Intli IV
On PC, when Emperor Apatzec Intli IV is on the battlefield and Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant enters, the game forcefully stacks the triggers such that Ghalta's ability resolves first, losing out on an additional creature card to be played. Even when in full control mode by pressing ctrl (and verifying that the game recognizes full control mode with the text on the right of the screen), this behavior persists. They are both "enters" abilities, and thus I should be able to stack them the way I want in full control. Additionally, the default behavior should be that Apatzec's ability resolves first, as that gives the best outcome for the controlling player.
DAC169#34537 commented
Go into the gameplay options and turn off "Auto Order Ability Triggers" so you can manually order the triggers.