Bought Mythic pack and got a rare token. WOTC can;t find enough ways to scam their playerbase. I
I just Bought Mythic pack and got a rare token. WOTC can't find enough ways to scam their player base. I am so sick and tired of these vipers. I though after the disgraceful actions of WOTC the past week, I could at least come to ARENA and play for free from now on. No more buying the xpacs/ passes/ or gems. But they can't even let us have that. After Magic 30 I tried to pretend this wasn't going to be the direction this company I have supported and enjoyed for many many years had turned into. Then the bans heard round the world woke me up. Not even just them banning the cards, which is absolute BS, but the unethical way these they did it is what blows my mind. It will take me a long time to sell all of my MTG products, but in all honesty, THANK YOU! Thank you WOTC for waking me up and helping me realize I can spend my 2k a month somewhere else and support companies and hobbies worth my time, energy, and money. You have proven not to be worthy of any of it. My idea- Sell all my MTG product, buy a new car and a nice watch. Never pay for another WOTC product again and warn everyone I can of my experience.