lost a draft game that i never played (cancel bug)
Lost a premier draft game that i never played. i clicked cancel to edit my deck when queuing and it matched me into a game without me being able to play. when i clicked play it put me into a new game with a different opponent (my account still lost the other one) and so i lost the draft after winning my game. if there was a way to refund the loss with a quickdraft token at least that would be cool
SuperMeon#47342 commented
Same BUG just happened here.
Was playing my 4th game and winning it then I first was remove from the game and back to the menu.
Then start another game, won it but it becomes both a win and a defeat.
I got 5 win (wich should be 6 ) and 3 defeat without reason. -
DAC169#34537 commented
For compensation for Draft problems go to https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/ and select "Report a problem with my event."