Aggro is ruining this game.
Standard ranked is completely ruined by a flood of red aggro decks. Furthermore, Wizards of The Coast seem bent on the idea of feeding this problem, or simply lack the ingenuity to come up with new ideas.
Standard ranked leaves no room for imagination.. you either build a red aggro deck, or you build a deck that can withstand a red aggro deck (something that isn't easy).
The other day I was delt 20+ damage on turn three.... I don't care how much you build to overcome aggro, you simply can't win against that.
I don't blame players for building red aggro, because it's the perfect way to farm coins to get packs without paying for them.
Your game is broken, your community is unhappy, and your player base for this online platform is dwindling.
If MTG stays the course with these types of cards and play styles, then it will simply fade into nothing. I'm sure Wizards of The Coast likes to believe they can rest on their laurels, but a once great game is truly loosing its way.
Personally I have stopped playing because it's simply not fun anymore, and that really sucks.

Fen#17788 commented
This is vital for the health of Arena. At a minimum daily win progress needs to be removed from the casual formats of Play Queue and the Brawl queues. But changing faily wins into something that rewards creative play is more important. There's numerous solutions to this that can be taken to ensure that the gold gains are retained at the same level while also preventing the system from being 'gamed'.
Arena is miserable to play outside of draft at the moment except for when playing ranked with a competitive mindset.
bonsai#70698 commented
I've not stopped playing entirely (yet), but I've stopped remotely taking rank seriously and I've almost completely stopped playing best-of-three matches. I no doubt will stop playing unless WotC takes prompt decisive action to alter the current meta. If they don't, we'll be stuck in this horrid aggro-land for at least two rotations.
As it stands, I don't even get to "play" many games on Arena since:
- I now snap-concede to any Leyline of Resonance out at turn zero (card should be banned).
- I now snap-concede to any 20%+ off-format deck size (like IRL FNMs, Arena's match-making should have an off-format filter).
- I now snap-concede to players who consistently can't mulligan within the first 10s or are known-ropers.
- I've always snap-conceded to dedicated offensive mill decks, but that's just my personal philosophy/protest against the offensive mill mechanic--not Arena or the current meta.