Night Market Lookout + Convoke
T1 Play Night Market Lookout
T2 play any card with convoke using the Night Market Lookout and trigger infinity times the hability of Night Market Lookout, drain infiny lifes
Duncan#54923 commented
I just reported the same bug, hopefully they resolve it soon.
red harlequinn#51829 commented
Have also encountered this bug about 1 hour ago. Opponent had Night Market Lookout in play and used it to Convoked Halo Hopper. This set off 20 triggers of Night Market Lookout
BobbyDobner#69786 commented
The same thing happened to me today. And I've just seen it was the same opponent.
So it's a player exploiting a bug. -
Luar009#38994 commented
En mi caso me ha hecho perder una ranked de forma injusta, no pido que me den el punto pero si que sancionen a este tipo de jugadores de alguna forma, ya que arruinan la experiencia de juego