Kicked out of premier draft game
Yesterday I completed the draft portion of a Duskmourne Premier draft and built my deck. Today I queued up for a game and in the middle of the game (~turn 4) I was suddenly shown "waiting for server" for a second or two then returned to the Premier draft screen with a score of zero wins and zero losses. I queued up again, got another match, and the same issue occurred in which mid game I was suddenly shown "waiting for server" then returned to the Premier Draft screen. I exited the game and have now reopened, and it says that I have 2 losses. I did not get a chance to play out either game and was winning both of them. I am unsure what caused the issue and if possible would like a refund on the gems I spent.
Update: its happening in ranked constructed games now too

Frijo#19509 commented
This happened to me earlier today in Duskmourn draft. A brief "waiting for server" resulted in my being kicked out of the match.
I went from the draft screen to the home screen :
The loss wasn't registered until I completed my next match.I wouldn't necessarily mind a game being randomly cancelled but not counted as a loss.
DAC169#34537 commented
For compensation for Draft problems go to and select "Report a problem with my event."
Scathach#77660 commented
I thought it may have been fixed but it just happened again with a new draft. Another set of gems down the drain.