FDN Collection Count Incorrect
the Foundation count is completely crap. I had 23 commons that I was missing (i.e. that I didn't have any single copy of), even though my collection count told me that I had collected at least 1 of every common in the set. Crafting 1x of those missing commons didn't change my count at all, so obviously those commons that I crafted didn't exist in the set.....
So - my request is that you get the count correct for the FOUNDATION set collection. Given that that set seems to be much bigger than the other sets I guess that the problem is in the total there somewhere.

jabberwocky#91384 commented
I have the same problem. No one seems to bother what you wright here.
TheWamp#17907 commented
I just came here to comment on the collection count being bugged. The last few Golden Packs I have received have netted all gems even though there are many mythic and rare cards from Foundations that I am still lacking. I am wondering if their coding glitch has cheated me out of the cards that are usually given in the Golden Packs. When I open a Foundations pack, there are never any races or mythic either. Probably the same glitch causing an issue there too.