Aetherdrift game board distracting propeller animation
The new Aetherdrift game board has animated spinning propellers adjacent to the player avatar. Their constant motion is very annoying and distracting and I anticipate drafting less to avoid seeing it. Please remove the animation so I can enjoy the game as normal.

Simone Mayo#18181 commented
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YoloMortemPeccatoris#02169 commented
This is absolutely awful. I can't enjoy playing the new set because of motion sickness. You need to update your accessibility standards.
Xyzzy#96433 commented
I will not draft this set because the spinning gives me headaches. I am very disappointed.
lilpup#78630 commented
Please let us toggle the propeller animation
krashlandon#14912 commented
Please get rid of the propellers! It is horrible to play on. If we can't pick our boards we need the default ones to be less busy.
losT#56248 commented
Get rid of the annoying new pet robot that shoots lasers (…seriously? who thought this was a good addition to the game?) even when you have emotes disabled, too.
x_cessive_ninja#39297 commented
The board creates a visual distraction amongst the many other animations that take place during any given match.
It would be great if there was an option to favorite a specific game board, and provide one that does not have animations or effects.
I think it would be great to provide something like a "Pro Tour main table" game board.
Scopi#65512 commented
I would pay to set a game board. One without effects.
jonnylaw#22264 commented
The game boards are getting out of hand. Please give us the option to purchase a default game board.
WanderingWind#44920 commented
It's really hard to play on that playmat/game board with the spinning propeller. It actually causes me a little bit of motion sickness and stops me from playing for as long as I'd like
Rick Astley#23800 commented
Please give us at LEAST the option to turn off this distracting dancing ****.
RemusShepherd#63444 commented
Headache inducing animations are bad for the game.
Teeldarb#95331 commented
+1 Please please please get rid of the propellers!!!
Government1#81980 commented
This needs a quick fix, default should be off and you can click it to turn it on if you want.
Makis#00884 commented
Distracting and unnecessary
Rancour777#83199 commented
Awful, distracting, makes me feel vertigo. Please change
Fen#17788 commented
On top of this, I would like the a simple, clean single color board that can be set up individually.
We choose our play mats in person, give us that option here.
BitchyItchy#03601 commented
Awful board.
LilAngus#74408 commented
I honestly get just as annoyed at the Faerie pets that I can't stop from moving. Most pets, when turned off, will lay down and sleep. Faeries, and really most winged pets, will keep flapping their wings. This bothers my OCD, immensely.
SamuraiWalrus#31014 commented
Better yet, let me pick the battlefield.