Please start doing math instead of animating when the same thing enters the stack too many times!
So I play white/green, which means I often chain effects that create many creatures, then trigger lifegain on each creature, then trigger additional effects on lifegain.
All of it animates individually. Which takes time out of my turn. Which, if I've made a big enough move, makes the game make me skip my next several turns, then declare I lost.
I keep losing the game because I am playing my deck too well!!!
I understand why the logic needs to check for additional effects and triggers on my and the opponent's side at each point in the stack. But when it's just the same thing x100, can't it at some point transition to doing math about it and stop animating it? Nothing new is going to happen on the 100th trigger!!! Or even if it still might, can't it pretty please be a calculation behind the scenes that doesn't take this long in real time? There's no way it takes as long for the server to determine as it takes it to play out on my screen!!!!
(Or maybe stop counting the time it takes to animate automatic effects as time the player takes to take their turn as if they're afk, but I understand how that could create problems) (I just don't think that someone who makes an infinite combo should be the one to lose the game about it)
tl;dr I keep losing because I make too many creatures at the same time, which seems rather against the spirit of the game.
Attached: screenshot of a game state where eventually I lost because I had created too many tokens :\
P.S. Game state breakdown: I had 140 life when I activated the ability of Ajani, Caller of the Pride "create X tokens where X is your life total". This created 140 creatures, which first gave my opponent 140 life with 140 individual triggers of Authority of the Consuls, which got compressed and passed by quickly. Then my 2 soul wardens and 2 guides of souls each triggered 140 times, which in turn each triggered Voice of the Blessed and Cleric Class 2nd level. Processing all this, then the subsequent effects of Ocelot Pride doubling the tokens, then Iridiscent Hornbeetle creating tokens per counters put on creatures, timed out my turn, not giving me the opportunity to finish it, and after passing turn to my opponent (who I believe had also timed out) instantly passed it back to me, which I understand also timed out instantly, and then I lost the game.