I would like to express my dissatisfaction with the game's current gameplay. Since its launch, little to no improvement has been made in this aspect, making the experience frustrating.
There are several recurring issues that compromise the game's quality, such as:
Algorithms that seem to favor players who spend more within the game.
Drafts that appear to be manipulative, benefiting certain player profiles.
Lack of balance in the distribution of lands and creatures, especially for players who do not make purchases.
Card effects that do not always work as described, disrupting strategies during matches.
Bugs that allow the destruction of indestructible cards without proper effects to justify it.
Frequent disconnections without any apparent reason, negatively impacting the flow of matches.
These issues have persisted for a long time, and despite reports from the community, there has been no effective response to address them. I hope the development team takes these concerns into account, as the player's experience should be a priority.
Given the ongoing problems, I am considering creating gameplay videos and reaction content on YouTube to expose these issues.

NeuG#99816 commented
comme vous j'ai fait les mêmes constats de manipulations grossières de la part de WoC pour favoriser certains joueurs et j'ai créé de mon côté une chaine Youtube pour partager des parties ou la manipulation est flagrante: