All modes are shown in a single paragraph on many Japanese modal cards
Description of the bug
Japanese rules texts for many modal cards (as defined in MCR 700.2) are poorly typeset in MTG Arena, putting all modes in a single paragraph. Each mode begins in the middle of a line and has no line break at the end. As a result, it is difficult to understand the effects correctly.
Note that paper-printed Japanese cards are always typeset in the same way as the English cards, which is more legible.
Steps to reproduce the bug
- Run MTG Arena under the Jaspanese Locale (Adjust Options > Graphics > Locale > 日本語 (Japanese). You may need to exit and restart the game for the change to take effect.)
- Find the card 魅力的な王子 (Charming Prince), for example, in your collection (デッキ (Decks) > コレクション (Collection)) by typing "な王" in the search box and hitting the ENTER key (after checking "Not Collected" option in the Advanced Filters if you don't own it).
- Hover your mouse cursor over Charming Prince to see the rules text in the text box.
PC (Windows 11 Pro 23H2 build 22631.4602)
Actual results
The entire Jaspanese rules text for Charming Prince is written in a single paragrah.
Expected results
Each mode is shown as a separate paragraph, with a bullet at the beginning of a line and a line break at the end, as in English cards (or in paper-printed Japanese cards).
Relevant screenshots/videos
See the attachment.
Not known.
Additional notes
I believe it is more important to show the modes in a better layout during a game than in the deck builder, especially if it is an opponent's card that the player is not familiar with. The deck builder is chosen in the above reproduction only because it is easier to describe the steps.
For whatever reason, a few Japanese modal cards, such as 浄化の輝き (Cleansing Nova) or 崇高な天啓 (Sublime Epiphany), are typeset in the good way. So, this bug is not in the all modal cards in MTG Arena.