Companion Feedback
Welcome to the Magic: The Gathering Companion Feedback Page
To Report a Bug or Provide Feedback
Before reporting a bug, check to see if it has already been reported. In the Issue Title below search for specific key terms from your issue.
Example: Shivan Dragon (Note: Partial words won’t show up, so use “Shivan” instead of “Shiv.”)
If your issue has been reported already, simply click the vote button to show us you’ve experienced that issue as well. If you feel you have additional information that could be helpful to us in tracking down the issue please feel free to add it.
If your bug has not been reported, please do so now! Update the Issue Title to reflect the problem you’ve encountered.
Example: Shivan Dragon doesn’t work
Choose the Category that describes your problem.
Describing the problem in the following fashion helps make clear what happened and allows us to investigate the issue faster.
- Summarize the problem
- List the steps you took that led to the problem
- What was the result that happened when you followed those steps
- What was the result you expected to happen when you followed those steps
Example: The life tracker didn’t track my life.
- Open the life tracker and start a game
- Try to remove or add life to my life total
- Actual: my life total didn’t change
- Expected: my life total goes up or down
You can provide additional information that can also help us conclude an investigation quickly. Great information to include:
1568 results found
Round 1 companion
Even though I registered for an event 6 hours before it started, the event still gave me a round 1 loss. ****** App.
1 vote -
Player cheated during draft, picked 2 cards out of the first pack all three packs, didn't say anything until after the cards were dealt
Player ended up with a heavily consistent deck and had a large advantage over everyone else playing.
1 vote -
Customize Planeswalker Art
My play group has very strong opinions about various planeswalkers, and it would be nice if we could choose who showed up behind our life totals
1 vote -
Reduce Click Count to Begin Game
The average number of clicks to start a game is somewhat high (5 by my count), and it would be nice if the app did things like save formats I play a lot to keep that count down.
1 vote -
das spiel schmiert regelmäßig ab
es gibt unzählige updates, die ewig brauchen und danach schmiert dass spiel nur um so häufiger ab oder andere fehler treten auf
(das ist schon seit monaten so!!!), deshalb,
scheist die nutzlosen volldeppen, die für die spiel wartung verantwortlich sind einfach raus und ersetzt sie durch affen, dass resultat wäre wohl das selbe (das spiel läuft nicht normal!!) nur billiger in sachen bezahlungdas ist mein voller ernst arschtritt, rausschmeisen und jm. einstellen der es kan!!!!
mfg tobias grabner
1 vote -
Double bye
Avoir un deuxième bye dans la soirée quand on est 9 est pas très sympa de la part du logiciel.
1 vote -
Host options as guest not available
It’s not possible to adjust the tournament options when hosting as guest.
When clicking on hosting as guest you can enter players. But going back to adjust the options it jumps to the host start page. Dead loop.Still an issue with the newest app on iOS as of 4th October 2020.
1 vote -
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