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Dark Alliance Bugs & Suggestions/Feedback

1. I encountered this issue on [INSERT PLATFORM HERE]
2. I was playing [WITH FRIENDS/ALONE]
3. I was playing as [INSERT HERO NAME HERE]

Describe what you were doing before the issue happened.

Describe the problem you encountered.

Expected Result:
What you expected would happen instead.

212 results found

  1. List of Bugs, Suggestions and Quality of Life Improvements

    1. I encountered this issue on XBOX SERIES X
    2. I was playing ALONE AND OFFLINE
    3. I was playing as DRIZZT

    Hello devs, I've compiled a list of the issues I've encountered while playing in the past few weeks. I will try to describe the problem in an organized way and a suggested solution to it for your consideration. At the end of this list, I've also noted some feedback and suggestions that I think will improve the game going forward.


    • ISSUE: Balancing in general, especially for solo play.
    • SOLUTION: Even after the 12th July patch, enemies still do…

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  2. Save points and PSN Crossplay

    Need to be able to save at anytime, anywhere. Fix Ps4 and Ps5 cross play with friends.

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  3. Music copyright claim on Twitch

    I am a full-time Twitch broadcaster, and after verifying your "replay of music" standards was of the opinion that Dark Alliance was appropriate for streaming, as I did with members of my Twitch follower community.

    However, I have had audio muted in my VOD (recorded session, Video On Demand) based on a copyright claim by Vibe Avenue. I wish to debate this claim and get my video UNMUTED as the VOD is a measurable portion of my Twitch income.

    Is there any public document I can refer to to debate this claim and unlock my video? Or can one be…

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  4. There needs to be some sort of Mage character

    There needs to be some sort of Mage character.
    These types of games ALWAYS have at least one Mage type characters!!!
    Its just dissapointing theres not

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  5. Fix suggestion: Do not pick up ultimate fragment while in Ultimate

    Picking up ultimate fragment during Ultimate does NOTHING,
    so I suggest to treat it as filled while in Ultimate, so fragment won't be wasted...

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  6. Patch will not download

    Hello Devs, there is a 87 MB Patch today but my Steam Client will not download it, it keeps saying Disk Write Error.

    I have tried launching my Steam App as Administrator, Validated The Integrity of The Game Files, turn off and even uninstall my Antivirus software and changed the Region for My Downloads, nothing worked.

    Please assist.

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  7. Feild of veiw option for consuls

    Yes add a feild of veiw option for the Xbox one s plz it’s unfair for pc players to have access to stuff that consuls players don’t I know I’m not the only one who thinks this way

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  8. **** loot drops glitchy and laggy needs more characters to choose from needs better voice acting gets annoying hearing the same dialog over

    I stopped playing this game because of the ****** loot drops and fighting the same enemies over and over again and also this game is cheap and stingy on health potions I get more potions then I do the health potions when I don't need them I get them but when I need them I hardly get any also the loot drops sucks I get more uncommon then I do epic and legendary and rare plus the voice acting sucks it's annoying to here the same dialog over and over again and also annoying to be fighting the same enemies…

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  9. Combat control, overloaded inputs

    I really like how the game combines player skill (learning different combos & special attacks) with character progression (unlocking new skills and abilities to use). However it feels a bit clunky to use after you start unlocking a lot of new attacks, often due to controls being overloaded.

    On Drizzt, for example, at the start of the game there are 3 move sets for light attack:
    - hold forward (w) + light + light + light + light
    - neutral stance + light + light + light + light
    - hold backward (s) + light +…

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  10. Block needs to Animation Cancel other attacks.

    In a game where 1 shot can instakill you - animation cancelling is vital.
    Being able to suddenly stop a combo midstream to pull up block would make classes like Drizzt viable in single-player - who requires a ton of moves per second just to stay alive.

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  11. Block needs to Animation Cancel other attacks.

    In a game where 1 shot can instakill you - animation cancelling is vital.
    Being able to suddenly stop a combo midstream to pull up block would make classes like Drizzt viable in single-player - who requires a ton of moves per second just to stay alive.

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  12. Quality of Life

    I absolutely love this game and I don’t find any of these concerns are game breaking. Just a few ideas for quality of life

    -Prioritizing potion drops for potions that have already been used. Nothing is worse then being out of healing potions, opening a chest and being given 2 stamina and 1 heroism potion you didn’t need
    -Lets us sell items in mass rather than one at a time
    -There are a LOT of things that require gold and a lot of times you end up having to do without something crucial because there are too many things to…

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  13. Dwarf overall

    I feel like the dwarf/ tank isn’t really up to par with the other fighters he’s super weak gets one shot most of the time and deals1/4 the damage of what the other characters do which makes him really unfun to play the only good thing about him is his axe swirling ability and his anvil ability

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  14. Threats indicators and framerate issues

    Threat indicators always on screen even if opt out in option menu.
    So i can't make an immersive playthrough . All ath gone except those arrows around the character that indicates enemy position. I wish it will be fixed alongside with the framerate which causes massive perturbations on input command and flow of combat at least on xbox one x. I wish the team all the best energy and strength for this cool game and will report other bugs later.

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  15. kelvins cairn scroll

    Xbox series X
    When you return from a mission, the cart next the the merchant will have a scroll on it. Picking this up gives the player nothing nor does it indicate what it is.

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  16. Red Flags in Companions of Ice Wind Dale

    Xbox Series X
    Single Player
    The red enemy flags in the Companions of Ice Wind Dale are a bit chopping with the frame rate.

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  17. potato

    Why do everyone look like they belong back to Xbox 360? Meanwhile the trailer on twitch they have such better player models.

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  18. codes do not work

    codes that came with the game do not work

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  19. Mail system

    Can we add a mail system to where we can share our gold/crystals with lower level characters and/or our own characters

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  20. When reviving allies it seems that the button isnt reacting unless you stand in the perfect spot.

    Sometimes you stand by your downed friend but the prompt isn't showing so you can't revive unless you are in the perfect spot.

    You could adopt the revive system from "For Honor". There you just need to be within the right area of a friend and you can press the revive button even if the prompt is showing.

    So on xbox, I would press X to revive. In for honor you could start rhe revive as long as your character is within reach but while the running animation haven't finished yet.

    It would help alot to earn to extra micro…

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