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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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How to report a bug

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1595 results found

  1. Part 2 Allow for a FREE PLAY style deck.

    This is a 2-part Sparky enhancement suggestion. The other suggestion will have this start and will be titled “Part 1 Allow users to select Sparky's difficulty level - Easy/Medium/Hard.”

    As a user, I need a way to build and play with a deck that contains cards not in my collection, so that I can try out said cards before I invest Wildcards (WC) on them.
    There should be a way to select a deck play style that allows users to use cards not in their collection.

    Current play style examples: Standard, Historic, Direct Challenge, etc.
    New Suggestion: Free Play


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  2. Part 1 - Allow users to select Sparky's difficulty level - Easy/Medium/Hard

    This is a 2-part Sparky enhancement suggestion. The other suggestion will have this start and will be titled “Part 2 Allow for a FREE PLAY style deck.”

    This would require creating a minimum of 10 more mono-colored decks for it to use. 1 deck for each color in both Medium and Hard formats(keeping the existing decks in the Easy format).

    1A - Suggestion to allow community submissions on the deck building (given that Arena sets deck guidelines) to get credit in MTG Arena. I’d limit the submission to ONE per user and let them pick the color and difficulty they…

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  3. Grenzo

    Grenzo is the bat-*craziest card you've created in a long time. Not sure what the * your design/development team is thinking, but somebody dropped the ball so hard it broke through the **** floor.

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  4. Olivia Opulent Outlaw Cards not received

    Olivia Opulent Outlaw from the Mastery Pass rewards not received.

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  5. Unleash the Inferno/Vaultborn Tyrant token bug

    Playing MTG Arena on Android tablet, I had killed my opponent's Vaultborn Tyrant on a previous turn. Next turn, I killed his Freestrider Lookout with Unleash the Inferno, and it immediately passed priority and didn't let me destroy the Vaultborn Tyrant token. I looked it up, tokens have a mana value of zero, any additional damage should have been able to destroy that token, it was an artifact with mana value zero. BUG.

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  6. Card ability suggestion

    I’d like really love to see a creature card with the ability to pull in target spells or abilities from other creatures like taunt or like a War Cry. That would be like a wall of defence before they can destroy anything you’d prefer not to lose just yet… the ability name should just simply be Attract? or Tempt? maybe even Lure? So they would be locked on to that specific creature until it’s destroyed.

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  7. Proxies! Solve it once and for all, an untapped market!

    In almost every MTG social media group I have noticed the proxy debate has been one of the most debated topics in the feeds. It is clear that playing in sanctioned events officially printed and backed cards are a requirement, however people playing at home have very little desire to buy singles at rates inflated due to tournament play. there are already countless 3rd party proxy printing companies that operate and thrive regardless of what is done and home play groups increasingly allow proxy use for casual play. Why not create an in house proxy printing department that prints official…

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  8. "CHOSEN" Creature, Card & Land Types. Easier to get more info onto the card space.

    Letter space on a card is like premium real estate for this game.
    Describing HOW the game mechanic works in a broad variety of languages
    is surely not so easy.

    I made a previous suggestion about "grouping" so it will be easier to group
    up certain creatures for example as: Undead, Immortal, Elemental, Humanoid, and so on.. so it takes up less space on the card. You get your grouping and then you see what creatures benefit from these things.

    "Chosen creature types: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Merfolk."
    "All creatures you…

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  9. quests

    Thanks for your job, we love what you're doing ;)


    Add new quests!!! Seriously, those really lack variety.

    What about specific card types ?

    Cast 16 (lower) / 24 (higher) :
    Non-basic lands

    Cast 6 (lower) / 9 (higher):
    Legendary spells (Any Legendary)

    You get the idea :D

    Thanks again, have a nice day :D

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  10. New SLD "Secret Lair Adventures in Puyo Puyo world"

    Concept for “Secret Lair: Adventure in Puyo Puyo World”
    Theme and Art Style:
    The cards would feature vibrant, colorful artwork inspired by the Puyo Puyo series, with characters and settings from the Puyo Puyo universe reimagined in the MTG style.
    Iconic Puyo Puyo characters like Arle Nadja, Carbuncle, Schezo Wegey, and others would be depicted on various cards, each artistically blending the whimsical Puyo Puyo aesthetics with the fantastical elements of Magic: The Gathering.
    Mechanics and Flavor:
    Combos and Chains: Reflecting the core gameplay of Puyo Puyo, cards could emphasize combo mechanics. Abilities that trigger additional effects when certain criteria…

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  11. Mgta pauper for fun magic

    Dear magic the gathering arena,
    My husband really enjoys playing your game on the pc and I like watching him. He's been playing magic since the mid 90s and mostly only plays arena nowadays. He is getting more and more discouraged that there is no outlet for "fun magic" anymore. Everyone plays push decks. Why isn't there a pauper option for Arena? It wouldn't be that hard to include would it? Pauper mode would allow for good sportsmanship and embracing creativity. That would be good for the community, celebration of artists' hard work on cards that normally dont get seen,…

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  12. Add a Player as a Friend from a previous match

    I would love to send friend requests to people who I played in previous matches.

    It would be helpful to have a "Recent Matches" tab to find people that I've played against.

    Magic is a social game!

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  13. Can't draft cosmetic card.

    I drafted a Raffine's Tower that showed as a cosmetic alter. When I went to build my deck it wanted me to buy the cosmetic and wouldn't add to my draft deck because of it.

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  14. Make MTG Arena REAL

    Have select vendors authorized with special equipment. The equipment should be able to reconstruct cards from ones Arena collection - 1 per every unique-ID card. Vice versa, one should be able to transfer physical cards to MTG Arena by submitting the one-use-only unique-ID printed somewhere on the card.
    I do not know the exact workings of it. But make it happen and you have a Magic The Gathering that'll last for generations to come.

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  15. List of recently played users + Allow Friend Add from this list

    When we play a really cool game, it would be nice to add friends in order to talk about the game or be like AWESOME DECK. Oh man that was a tough one ggs. Recently someone let me play out my sheoldred true scriptures chapter 3 which was fun to watch. It would be nice to be able to make friends through the game. The issue is that when trying to add a username it requires you to put in the # after the name, I believe its by design. This is such a the friends list only meant…

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  16. Sobrecalentamiento.

    ¡Tengo un i7 14700k con una Geforce 4070ti y al iniciar el juego se pone a 70 grados!

    Juego en PC desde la Epic Store, ¡arregladlo cuanto antes!

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  17. shopping

    I regularly want to buy multiple items from the shop using real money, but I have to do it in multiple transactions. This has been an inconvenience, not only because the extra time it takes to do multiple transactions, but because my bank sometimes freezes subsequent transactions in an effort to minimize fraud. It would great if there was a shopping cart feature could be added for real-money transactions.

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  18. Bring Ante into Arena

    It's fun to play all the different levels...historic, timeless, standard. When MTG started we had the option to "Ante" a top "rare card" as a reward for winning the game.

    I suggest this mode could offer a look into the opponents deck before match play begins. Both players pick a card and both agree before gameplay begins. Once 7 cards are drawn players cannot object to outcome regardless of technical error.
    Bring back Ante

    3rd edition

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  19. Points for finishing game

    You should give 1/10 point (or come up with some reward) to those who lose but FINISH THE GAME.
    Part of the fun on this is kicking opponents butt once you get the cards going your way.
    Sucks when the tide starts turning and my opponent just quits… maybe reward 1/10 credit of a win or something to those who lose but stick it out till the end. That or maybe have a bot take over if a player quits

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  20. Mythic rank explanation

    Hi! I just reached mythic rank (yay!) but I don't really know what the ranking in this section means. I suppose that this was explained when the system was implemented, but I can't find much definitive online (reddit, blogs, etc.) beyond 'a higher percentage is better, and a number means you are in the top X number of players'.

    I have further questions. What is the percentage of? All players on Arena? All players who have a mythic rank? For a numbered rank, is that out of all players in the region? The world?

    Concrete suggestion: If WotC wrote an…

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