Game locks when opponent concedes at ranked
Game locks when opponent concedes at ranked.
- The game does not disconect.
- User menu cannot be acces by ESC key. The only way to quit is by closing the game in windows.
- Cards animation and graphics engine still working.
Not the first time that happen. Player concedes inmediatly after played card animation finish.
Always with odd names players. In this case: USBSoundDevice
I think that "Raal, Izzet Viceroy" triggers it... Hard to say if it is a bug or a hack. I was playing murderous raider on him. Or maybe rage quiters are broking the game XD
Color Wheel Bug.mp4 9795 KB -
UTC_Log - 01-13-2021 14.41.46.log 223 KB -
MTGA log- Softlocked Conceed.png 183 KB -
Softlocked Conseeded.png 3404 KB -
MTGA log- Softlocked Conceed.png 183 KB -
Softlocked Conseeded.png 3404 KB -
frozen screen.png 3092 KB -
Clipboard04.jpg 509 KB -
Log20201028_130836.log 1839 KB -
Log20200927_224525.log 20 KB -
Capture.PNG 4849 KB -
MTGA 2020-08-25 17-29-17.mp4 40067 KB -
mtgafrozengame.png 4511 KB -
Bug Arena.png 2176 KB -
Log20200518_092726.log 163 KB -
Log20200502_170656.log 11 KB -
Desktop Screenshot 2020.05.02 - 3386 KB

For this issue, please submit at: and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
Benane#68325 commented
I had the same issue.
Standard Ranked, I had triggers on the stack, opponent concedes, and the game remains on the screen without any menu or options -
Thuktun#02518 commented
Same here. This has happened twice to me, once a month or two ago and another time just now.
This time, I was selecting from the color wheel on a Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest proc. Opponent conceded just before I clicked my color selection. Having clicked my color selection, the card didn't go away and the game mechanics ceased, though background music and animations continued. I can only exit by forcibly killing the game.
x12721#47897 commented
Yes, when a player concedes when you have floating mana, the game softlocks
allc0re#29167 commented
Happened to me, too.
DJ Pirtu#18144 commented
After winning a game (opponent conceded), I find myself stuck in the game, unable to even access the Esc-menu. I can interact with the board (view cards, check number of cards in library, view graveyard etc.) but I have no actions available. Except "Pass Turn" that does nothing.
I may have selected to view the game board after winning. At the very least, I Alt-Tabbed out of the game.
Perhaps I managed to disable the button to leave the game somehow?
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
ricroth#58595 commented
This also happened to me with Lotus Cobra landfall trigger on the stack
tyduncanson#01220 commented
When an opponent concedes when you are choosing mana to add for an effect (Lotus Cobra and Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest are the instances where this has occurred) the game simply does not display the "you win" screen, requiring a force quit of the game. This is on PC
Taco Commander#87703 commented
My opponent left the game while their spell was resolving and everything looped. I was able to click around and use emotes, but my opponents spell never resolved and I has to close out of the game to exit he match.
The_Dark_Tutor#35314 commented
I have experienced this issue twice now. When I am playing sanctum of fruitful harvest and am in the process of choosing a mana color and the player concedes, it locks up my game I can view the battlefield and click on things but it never shows the victory and I must go to task manager then reopen the game.
LeoPeluche#85294 commented
And here I thought I was the only one. And yes, lotus cobra was the culprit.
Anushirvan#56764 commented
Same here...lotus cobra trigger. Standard ranked game. Does the win count if we have to force quit the game?
adambomb76#91689 commented
Happened today during FNM@Home Brawl - Lotus Cobra Trigger on the stack when opponent conceded...stuck in game and can't escape.
Dimmok#49161 commented
Game stuck when player concedes as my sanctum of fruitful Harvest goes on the stack. It seems like it could be any shrine but It happened twice with this one.
Faceless#85902 commented
Yep lotus cobra trigger...every time. Pretty sure im not grabbing the win after they concede also..guess I'll pay more attention next time
DrPicard#07969 commented
This has happened to me twice, it's quite annoying.
SilverWolf#62149 commented
Twice in one day
SilverWolf#62149 commented
Happened to me just now; had to alt+f4 to leave the match. Still got credited the win.
IfIHadATail#84868 commented
I had this happen to me yesterday on the 29th when lotus cobra triggered and I had to select a land type. I could do anything and the game didn't give me credit for the win while playing the sealed event and I'd really like to have the proper credit so I can keep going with it.