Cannot access store
Every time I try to access the store, I get a black screen and it fails to load, crashing Arena. This has been attempted multiple times over the course of the last couple weeks. Thanks for your help!

Deadzone#46410 commented
HI, same here, it continuously tries to "connect the server"and i must to restart the game to go out of that screen, this is happening since 15/11. any news about it??
Felipe#52454 commented
same problem
Church6633#64658 commented
Day 3 now for me.
I have to use Alt+F4/Task Manager to stop the program and restart if I want to continue playing. -
Church6633#64658 commented
I have to use Alt+F4/Task Manager to stop the program and restart if I want to continue playing.
Akurabis#57231 commented
The status page says all systems are operational, but I'm still not able to access the store. It still just takes me to "Waiting for server..." forever. Is my money not good enough for ya?
Since the game is unrecoverable once I click "store", this is the best log I can provide, from the main page. Please solve this issue for us.
Kaizor#01667 commented
me too. everytime i go to the store.. i'am stucked in "waiting for the server"
yochin#38180 commented
Same problem. When it's fixed???
Serrangel#07243 commented
Another one here! Ridiculous! Im so ******...
FabledWolf#74708 commented
Same as everyone else, been like 3 days since I could access the store. Infi loading screen. Rest of MTGA works fine.
Leopwnz#29088 commented
I have the same problem. Dont connect on Store option.
Darkrider#15824 commented
I have tried 2 different computers, and I get this constantly (on my account). My wife's account does not have this issue. I have purchased from the store in the past using paypal, but I don't believe we've used paypal on her account. Could this be paypal related? Anyway, WOTC can't get anymore of my sweet, sweet greenbacks until this gets resolved. I have reinstalled, updated password, forwarded ports - nothing has resolving this.
mzandy#54526 commented
same problem for three days, went support they sent me to this log file . No help
TANeoK#35710 commented
same :(
Church6633#64658 commented
Day 3 now, and not even a response about the stores being down on their status page.
Enoch#15484 commented
I uninstalled, rebooted, reinstalled, and tried it again, and the store is still just a loading screen. What am I gonna do with all this money I have that I used to buy gems with now?
Bushili#87060 commented
Same problem too!
oakiim#26792 commented
Same here. Been so for over 24 hours.
WhiteThing#89911 commented
Same issue here... i need to spend my gold guys how many time it will takes to you for resolve it?
LuckyNumber7#52873 commented
This issue is back. Haven't been able to access the store for 3 days
LuckyNumber7#52873 commented
Same issue for me today still, been like this since Monday