Loss game without a loss condition
I am on my turn, with a lot of life, no possible condition to a lose game, attack and the game reproduce the animation of a loss game and appeared the message "defeated", like if I did concede game. But the only thing I did was declare attackers. 2 different times, on 2 different games, on 2 different situations. Both games on ranked.

claudio nicolas#82712 commented
Loss game without a loss condition. I am on my turn, with a lot of life, no possible condition to a lose game, I was about to attack and the game reproduce the animation of a loss game and appeared the message "defeated", like if I did concede game. It happened in "decathlon 5: traditional draft".
WEGA-Knuckles#54871 commented
This happened to me right now. I was making a deck in quick draft. Qued for a game and then changed my mind about a card. Hit "Cancel" as soon as the button appeared. Changed my deck, whent in to a game that I won.
Returned to lobby and I was 1-1. :(
Played on my Android Phone -
Renato#55575 commented
This happened to me twice yesterday, in 2 different (paid) drafts
biggeb4#08109 commented
I had a similar problem loss with no reason in cube, after chevil, bane of monsters trigger
It sounds like you may need some more troubleshooting advice, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'Technical Troubleshooting'.