Error Updating Data
The game is stuck on startup.
It says : "Error Updating Data - Please check your connection and try again".
Obviously my connection work just fine. I think this is a bug.
Thank you for your time and patience
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kazzig#14858 commented
Same problem with Epic, Steam and MTG Launcher. Nothing works :(
God Marduk#75031 commented
Wondering if WotC even reads these comments. Always when trying to install the game the installing process ends in asset manifest step, error updating data. The problem seems to be between installing software and mtga servers.
In UTC_Log it says this:
[2] FD Lookup failed: Partial byte sequence encountered in the input.
Parameter name: string
[2] Using fallback FD
[81] [TaskLogger][Accounts - Startup] Player has rememberMe ID (refresh token) saved. Attempting fast login.
[81] [TaskLogger][Accounts - Startup] Fast login error: -1 |
Sending player back to Login screen.
[86] [AssetBundles] GET manifest pointer from ...
[87] [TaskLogger]Unexpected HTTP response when fetching manifest pointer file from (-1)
[88] ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. -
vannetais#95613 commented
PC version only
God Marduk#75031 commented
Same issue, can't play the game anymore and nothing seems to work.
superbroki#08725 commented
HELLO, we need all a Solution!!!
superbroki#08725 commented
I have the same problem here!
BaneFalcon#42786 commented
also getting Error Updating Data - Please check your connection and try again - 2024.33.70.5061 patch, started 01/26
Cyrath#06242 commented
I have also had this issue for a few days now. I have tried rebooting, restarting and reinstalling the client to no avail. My internet connection is working fine. I am able to play via my iPad however my PC version will not load.
Duze#84149 commented
Same here. I have been unable to play for days now. Reinstalling, flushing DNS, resetting sockets, runnning different client, using a VPN, none of it does anything, the game just will not connect to the server.
It's like it is not even trying, it just immediately displays the error after half a millisecond.
DrunkMonky#81618 commented
PC version only
DrunkMonky#81618 commented
Error Updating Data
I don't know how to solve it
It's been three days ago -
Glamdril#59199 commented
I have started getting this error since the latest update on PC. I am unable to get past this error. My internet connection is fine.
vannetais#95613 commented
Same issue on PC after the Jan 26th update. It's ok on mobile. I have a draft existing game.
Krieg#46978 commented
Same issue on PC after the Jan 26th update - I'm on gigabit internet, have tried reinstalling, VPN, et cetera.
My last played game was Historic Brawl, if that's broken anything again.
Kujaki#88841 commented
I have the same issue since last patch yesterday, also tried literally everything.
I contacted support, they said they have no solution.
TheCaptainOfMine#13719 commented
This is now happening to me after updating the client. It's happening through Steam, standalone client, and mobile.
Jubata#09782 commented
I've had this problem for three days now
Captainapathyx#52566 commented
If I had to guess, it seems to have something to do with the renaming of Historic Brawl to just Brawl. Anyone else play Historic Brawl as their last game before the update?
Teikiatsu#43059 commented
My game started working yesterday, thanks for that!
Then I got home today and played from 4:00pm CST to 4:50pm CST with no problems. Then I completed a Historic Brawl game, once I was done with that game I started experiencing this connection/update error again.
I restarted Arena, and now I just get a blank screen. At first I got the splash screen and notifications (asset manifest, etc), then an error message that connection was lost, then an attempt to reconnect.
Then the screen went blank. No error message, not even a swirling circle.
So I restarted again. Same error messages, but at least this time I'm getting a constant swirling circle. Oh wait, screen went blank again.
spiffinn#01056 commented
I was also able to start Arena successfully (it still took a second to connect to the server). I closed the program and tried again and it worked.