Draft lost
Disconnect during draft. A lost one draft e one sealed. 10.000 gold e 2.000 diamonds.

mardukkucz#69918 commented
Black screen and I lost the game. I lost all my gold
Mozis#78761 commented
During the draft of Duskmourn: House of Horror I had a problem playing. My score was 3 wins and 1 loss and started a new match and as soon as we started to play, after the decision to keep the hand or to mullingan, the game crashed and I left the match. No win or lose results. I tried another match, same story. Then I decided to stop playing. After one or two days I logged and wished to continue the draft. but, for my surprise, those crashes counted as lost and the draft result was 3 to 3. I unfortunately do no have the log because it didn't feel like I was losing the games, just a "problem" with connection or whatever.
I want to refund the gems or 10k gold equivalent to keep play. -
acharold#68524 commented
The client recorded a loss when I won my match. Quick Draft
giomtg#09341 commented
i lost all awards money and 100 gems, and all the advances in the last Draft, due a problem during the exit from the draft. My screen went black, Lost everything.
myg0124#56322 commented
Firt bloomburrow draft and triste happen and it is not my internet conection, and while i was picking they skip my turn to pick and i pick something dont give me the card
Jakuterion#40362 commented
The game added a lost game that never happened
Ocean Fire#35806 commented
During the draft, I wasn't able to picked any cards, then I was forced to get logged out
Touffu2#78112 commented
I got disconnected during a draft game
Fate#05878 commented
I was in the middle of the game when my computer suddenly shut down. When I turned it back on and tried to reconnect to the game, the screen loaded infinitely, until I had to restart the game and lost my draft.
arthusokada#84913 commented
DUring a match, the time count ended for my oponnent and the game crashed. When came back, I already lost.