Unable to sideboard or rejoin game
I tried to concede from game 1 from the Std Metagame Challenge, and when I tried to click settings I missed and closed the window, closing the client. When I reloaded the client, the game was still active and so I conceded the game as normal. However, I was unable to see my deck (only my sideboard), or confirm any deck configuration, instead seeing the screen as shown in my file. I couldn't rejoin the game after multiple attempts, and could only concede from the settings.
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Game where sideboarded out shock and dragonfire.PNG 3918 KB -
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MTGA Bug.PNG 2104 KB -
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Bug.JPG 268 KB -
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Glitch in MTG Arena 4-23.png 2791 KB -
MTGA 24_04_2020 6_58_44 AM.png 2908 KB -
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Log20200419_180450.log 5233 KB

RickySR#84091 commented
Same problem with Lurrus of the Dream-Den as companion.
With the Leyline of the Void in Sideboard, the sided cards were missing -
Je3vEs#50062 commented
Whenever I have been playing Bo3 constructed (whether on the ladder or not), and I get into sideboarding, the error starts. I will be able to access my board and make changes, but after I submit 2 things happen.
1. The game gets stuck on the post-boarding screen and says that I'm waiting on my opponent for far beyond the allotted boarding time. I have to close and re-open the game, at which point I've lost the match.
2. I can access the board and make changes, submit them, wait for 2 minutes (every time) on the post-boarding screen, get into the next match, and the changes I've made have reverted back to the original, pre-sideboarded list.
SpecterPhlux#64748 commented
See this thread for more details and others having the issue: https://feedback.wizards.com/forums/918667-mtg-arena-bugs/suggestions/40191766-sideboard-reverts-to-starting-deck
SputnikDX#15803 commented
Sideboard bug is back. After disconnecting and reconnecting in a Bo3 game the sideboard becomes unusable. You need to wait for the timer to go all the way down until you can rejoin, but you can't make any sideboard changes.
GabeSekeres#61188 commented
Unable to sideboard in ranked bo3 -- when i start to sideboard i see a blank brawl interface with my companion as the commander. If I move my companion to my deck i can suddenly see my whole deck and sideboard, but cannot move cards from my sideboard to deck or vice versa -- when I move them, a copy appears in the place i am trying to move them, but the total number of cards increases by 1. Additionally, the player usernames are Username1 and LongUsername and the timer is stuck at 50 seconds. I am unable to click "done," but after the normal timer would end I am brought into game 2 or 3 with my main deck the exact same.
Gerni#69608 commented
I experienced this same thing several times today.
AndroidNZ#92941 commented
As described in multiple posts, sideboarding with a companion is not possible in some matches.
The timer runs out, sideboard changes aren't taken into account, and cards that I should've had game 2 are still in the sideboard.
This has directly cost me a game where I had 4 hushbringers I couldn't bring in against an opponents ETB synergy deck after winning game 1.As I lost the game on the ranked ladder to no reason other than a due to a supremely frustrating bug, the only option is to not to play arena until this is fixed.
Log attached. -
pin's#80724 commented
I had the same issue in standard BO3. It had followed a first issue during the join of game 1 (blocked on VS screen). Could you go to game 2 (without sideboarding) or had you been kicked ? Regards.
Pochusaurus#22445 commented
bug bo3 cant side board
Rp3r#34759 commented
I experienced a bug several times after sideboarding with a Companion deck (Keruga). The new state of the deck won't be saved, cards I sideboarded out are still in and new cards are missing.
Steps to reproduce:
Build a deck with Keruga as a Companion and make a normal sideboard. (I can share my decklist if you want)
Play a game
See the cards that should be missing
Wonder why there are no sideboard cardsExpected Result:
Should be obvious, right? ;)Screenshots: -
Workaround: -
rmpk#78131 commented
Same problem here too.
Fulvio7#37769 commented
when you get a disconnect in a BO3 match sideboard scree gets bugged, you cant see you deck nor sideboard, the timer its bugger also, if you restart the client get to that same bugged screen, mine says "Boros Angels" as deck name, sometime the "done" button works so i can get into the next game but no sb is a huge disadvantage, making me lose a lot of drafts and ranked games
Taliesin#02849 commented
Same. I was stuck in that interface during a traditional draft and lost a game because of it. Here's the log. Is a refund for the draft possible?
Crabfeathers#93494 commented
Happened to me when I lost connection to the server midgame. After the first game, we went to sbs and empty brawl deck.
theresaidwhere#49800 commented
skips sideboard screen in bo3 unranked play mode. happens even if game does not crash game 1. have run into this for the first time yesterday. can't find related complaints.
mynameisballs#84678 commented
same here
Thyrionn#73137 commented
Same for me... Twice already
Pennooch_#25383 commented
Had the same issue
dday99#60068 commented
Had the same issue except I could still access the settings menu and could concede the game.
For this issue, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.