missing cards from collection
for the past 2-3 months i've played to build a decent collection so i can make some decks.
Some cards are dissapearing from my collection, even when i have used it.
cards of the events, cards of drafts (yes, the ones that should stay in your collection), cards from packs or even for the daily rewards.
So far i can name 7 cards that are missing. some of them just 1 copy. but others 2 or more.
i've noticed that if the cards arent put in a saved deck... some of them just dissapear.
how can i leave the game with an idea of a deck... and when i came back, the cards just arent there... i've been tempted to buy some of the bundles... but just can't trust if the money will be thrown to garbage.
love to know if any one has notices this into their collection and what were the solution for it.
if i need to build a deck with all my collection, its ok. but tell me! i dont want to feel cheated.
dont make this excellent game go to nowhere!!
ChristPuncher#29007 commented
I opened a pack that I have just received, I got a card called Ledev Champion. I was excited to put it in my deck, it was not found in my cards list and I cannot find it anywhere. Am I doing something wrong? Please advise, I have had this issue with a few decks and cards I have received please HELP!!!
feihuchudong#44437 commented
missing 2 copies of Lurrus of the Dream-Den that I received as ICR & from opening a pack. Also missing at least 1 Zenith Flare so who knows what other cards are missing.
Xantheus#58622 commented
Gotta love pulling a Planeswalker and a few Mythics and then not having them after. Why would I spend money on a game with the chances that 50% of the time I pull a card I may not actually get it?
Felinazo#91022 commented
I made a list of the lost cards (missing cards from collection), and it's far from what I expected to be, I've lost a total of 276 cards! I have some lead of what is preventing cards to be storaged in your collection. I hope people with this issue can confirm if their cause might be the same.
◉Theories why the cards that you get from drafts, packs and daily rewards are not kept in your collection:
-Maybe it's due to a connection error that prevents cards to be registered in the server even your victories/loses, daily/weekly wins and store purchases are properly tracked. That connection error might happen if you alt/tab your windows, i.e. switching Arena window to Chrome in order to choose a song from YouTube or check social media.
-It also might be because you're using a laptop, and when you plug/unplug the charger, the laptop disconnects from internet for a few seconds (1-3) (they have a energy saving program that triggers automatically even if it's disabled, that manages and switchs perfomance according if it's plug or not).
-And finally, my last guess, might be because the use MTGA Assistant, which displays overlayed in the game, and might affect the MTGA's connection.
Heavens_Rejected#77205 commented
I have experienced this myself , opened a booster and got Crux of Fate, Immediately went "Ohh I kinda wanna make a dragon based deck now!" and when I went to the deck builder the card just did not exist no matter where I looked.
Honestly if it can't be guaranteed that the cards I pull out of boosters are going to actually be in my inventory, I will never spend money on this game.
If I don't receive the product I am paying for, you are stealing from me. -
TOGEKI55#76091 commented
a good half of cards in the main deck that i use are missing, i know i had them for a long time but the game claims i never had them? where did my cards go..
Tortuga#35223 commented
I also collected "Krosan's Grip" today as part of the mastery pass, and can't find it in my library to save my life.
DrJKVE#08384 commented
The same has happened to me with Mizzix's Mastery and Crux of Fate.
SnAzraelEsperStks#36182 commented
I literally have unpacked two cards in the same hour (Its happened before and until now I legit couldnt find a support place to talk about it cause im missing like a couple hundred cards) and i meant both a them are kinda busted ngl, a red white two drop that burns for three and gains me two life in the new strix art, and then later I pulled day of judgement in the new strix art and I can't find them no matter how hard I search through my collection
tbone#90110 commented
I have recently collected 'ephemerate' and 'Krosan's grip' - but htese are not in my colleciton. Moreover, when I include the 'not collected' cards -they don't come up at all [i.e. they appear to be missing from the game itself].
Kroozmissal#70793 commented
I got "Teferi's Protection" as in a reward pack for strixhaven quickdraft. But when I went to include it in my deck it had disappeared.
Pino Cariola#11027 commented
Today i used the code for the preconstructed deck “critter corps”, which, for example, contains 2 selfless saviors. Before entering the code i already had two saviors in my collection, but When i got the deck the number of saviors in my collection still is 2. Same thing for “ozolith”, “fabled passage” and others…
I don’t know if this is normal -
Champlou#22809 commented
“I believe I have come across some type of bug in the card database
There are cards that I should have available but I cannot add to my deck, they will not appear and deck building mode.
These cards are not on the band list, should should be available. As I have made purchases this is a slight inconvenience and actually hinders me, as I need the cards to be available”
I am having the same issue with Teferi’s protection
Teferi’s Protection Bug..........
potator#62384 commented
I drafted Teferi's protection and it just vanished when I went back to my library after completing the draft.
And yes I played it during the draft.What do we do than?
Rime#51268 commented
I have the habit of dumping of all my wild cards for common and uncommon to get all cards from sets, I had every set all commons and uncommon finished up till kaladesh, I go today to dump a ton in keladesh and have theros, ikoria, Elyria missing random cards random amount.... this is absolutely trash to have a loss on digital cards.
smoothjazzsoul#38533 commented
got a doom blade alt art, cannot find it even in "not owned" area of collection. Same with regrowth.
Cidarus#15626 commented
I've been noticing things missing lately as well,
Rockiwan#88797 commented
I am missing over 64 cards from Strixhaven. I quick drafts for 4 hours and got most of the cards now I
am missing cards WOTC WTF are you doing? -
Mnemic#13750 commented
I just realized Im also missing cards.....this is ridiculous. I am not spending another dime on this game until I get my cards
dMoney#11744 commented
yes, this has been happening to me for the last month with the new packs. I have counted about 12 cards that have been pulled in a pack and then when I go to check on them, they are gone.
All of the comments I am reading mirror my experience exactly. I want to buy more packs by why should I if I don't get the cards in the packs?