Godless Shrine not counting towards Shrine count
Godless Shrine not counting towards Shrine count during gameplay

Donald Duck#67772 commented
I think it's normal, the Shrine count only counts cards that have the type Shrine. Goldess Shrine only has the types Land, Plains and Swamp, not Shrine, just because its name happens to contain "Shrine" doesn't give it the Shrine type.
Compare with [Ugin, the Spirit Dragon](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=488901). According to the Gatherer rulings, "Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is not a Dragon card; that is, he doesn't have the creature type Dragon. Spells and abilities that refer to Dragon cards or Dragons don't apply to Ugin." Godless Shrine and shrines work the same way (although it doesn't say that explicitly in the rulings, I guess that's because dragons are more common than shrines).
Demon Whispers#45165 commented
I believe if it says shrine then it must count.