Black screen on match start
While in the menu everything is ok but when match start the screen become black but the sound still ok (if i move the cursor i can ear the sound of card mulligan).
The only whay to not concede is to set the resolution on the lowest, but usually cause visual bug on the board or/and artwork on the card disappear.
Please fix this issue, i'm loving this game
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Vertus#93294 commented
I have the same problem since november. All patches and update since then haven't fix it.
omaben#31574 commented
Does not match
ebimayo888#80775 commented
Me too :(
Laowar#49312 commented
My first sealed innistrad midnighthunt match got frozen. And when restarted arena i got match lost. Can i get some gems för the error?
nKlos#42683 commented
Conexión interrumpida, Imposible iniciar el juego, imposible iniciar partidas, imposible gestionar los mazos, ¡¡Gran actualización del juego!! ...
Stealth#31662 commented
Had the same problem.
Setting the time-zone to (UTC+00:00) Sao Time fixed the problem for me. Just remeber that the time is no longer correct on your PC.
Still waiting for the fix, but is able to play. -
Mysterybiker#75909 commented
hatte das selbe problem.
nach langen probieren hat das spiel dann eine datenreaparatur datei geladen ... jetzt komme ich gar nicht mehr zum schwarzen bildschirm, da das spiel jetzt beim laden der anfangssequenz stecken bleibt ... das leibt für stunden so ... bis die meldung kommt "verbindung verloren" ... dann kann ich mich wieder verbinden aber das spiel steckt noch immer
und keine hilfe zu finden .. im ganzen netz nicht -
dr_castigo_reus#58884 commented
Same problem. Intializing game. Charging correct. I've tried the same in my PC Windows 10, on my iphone and tablet. Always the same. Then sound on, black screen, only the mouse pointer appears and nothing else I can do. I cannot play and it's anoying. I've tried to contact wizards support without an answer. Very bad service.
Irchesh#11475 commented
Enter in game with login and password with UTC time zone => change UTC time zone on your general setting (DATE) to your time zone without closing the app. => logout and login with user and password without close the app MTG Arena mobile
MarcoSpyna#32433 commented
Start the game -> black screen, sound on. nothing to do.
zet961#85719 commented
Please correct the "Trial of Colors" and it is impossible to enter the game for it. The game starts with a black screen and the game cursor playing music in the background, you can also hear the pressings. Partially solves the launch problem - only if you set the time zone to UTC-0.
Прошу исправьте "Испытание цветов" и за него невозможно зайти в игру. Игра запускается с черным экраном и игровым курсором, играющей на фоне музыкой, так же слышы нажатия. Частично решает проблему с запуском - только если поставить часовой пояс на UTC-0.
Tyrrant#53289 commented
I have a black screen Issue after connection since this morning. Cannot log in. Can anyone solve this problem? I tried restarting my pc, reinstalling the game, opened another window to log out to previous acct, but nothing works so far. Thanks
Totorino#02133 commented
meme problème ici l écran reste noire je suis sur pc windows 10 , acer predator
rtx 3070, apret le data dl je vois la souris du jeux ya le sons mais l' écran reste noire sa fais plus 24heure que je peux pas avancer dans mon pass -
NeoWolfStone#93647 commented
I'm getting the same black screen error from yesterday's update 24-08-2021 on PC or Iphone. Before the update it worked with the graphics to the maximum.
Diego#80800 commented
I'm getting the black screen error from yesterday's update. 24-08-2021. Any solution? By requirements it cannot be because before the update it worked for me with the graphics to the maximum.
Karzor#80530 commented
Same problem appear randomly,just have ton concede and be frustrated...
Playing on PC / Windows 10
Please help as this last since 1 minth already.
ThanksLast lines of the log:
[4609] OnSceneUnloaded for PreGameScene
[4609] Timer MatchReady_to_DuelScene_transition_PreGameScene_Unloaded end 09:30:35.920
[4610] Timer MatchReady_to_DuelScene_transition_AlphaIn start 09:30:35.924
[4672] Timer MatchReady_to_DuelScene_transition_AlphaIn end 09:30:36.939
[4672] Timer MatchReady_to_DuelScene_transition end 09:30:36.939
[4672] Timer DuelScene start 09:30:36.939
[4672] Timer PregameSequence end 09:30:36.940
[4733] AudioManager: Failed to PostEvent: sfx_sfx_pet_owl_interrupt on Object: Owl_Mesh
[5013] AudioManager: Failed to PostEvent: sfx_sfx_pet_owl_interrupt on Object: Owl_Mesh
[5290] AudioManager: Failed to PostEvent: sfx_sfx_pet_owl_interrupt on Object: Owl_Mesh
[5567] AudioManager: Failed to PostEvent: sfx_sfx_pet_owl_interrupt on Object: Owl_Mesh -
ChevChelios#24445 commented
Mismo error. Carga el juego, pantalla en negro, cursor y sonido están, pero aparece el mismo error de mehderard#79332
Llevo 3 días así. No puedo jugar, porque al momento de iniciar, aparece la famosa pantallita blanca con la "A" grande.
Nadie sabe que sucede, muy mal servicio. -
mehderard#79332 commented
I was getting this unity error occasionally since April. I've uninstalled the game with revo uninstaller and reinstalled it freshly. When I start the game it downloads about 4GB of data. Everything is okay until here. But when the game starts it crashes with this unity error.
I've looked on forums and I understand that it is something related with windows. I think it's Visual c++ or dotnet but I don't know how to fix or check it if I have problems with those. -
zorvetaun#82835 commented
While in the menu everything is ok but when match start the screen become black an mesage of "unit error" appears in the middle.
Mantyger#93505 commented
Can’t play at all on mobile. Match starts, unable to agree to mulligan or not…simply a black space instead. When game starts all cards I play have no graphics or abilities. Tried on pc and it works completely fine. iOS doesnt seem supported at all unfortunately and the game is unplayable on my phone. Please fix so I can play mtg on the go! Thank you. Update 6/20/21: game still unplayable on ios…unable to pick a hand, card graphics don’t appear. Will probably delete the app unfortunately.