Lands not tapping for mana
Asset errors abound. The tap lands were entering untapped, then in the future they wouldn’t tap for mana at all. The game was lagging and skipping around.
Attached is a photo where the game is asking me to pay one more mana but it will not allow me to tap my temple.
ziopoldo#38114 commented
I had the same thing happen today
ScaccoMalto#68693 commented
Land doesn't tap for mana (like it was not on the battlefield). On turn 5 i played a land but this do not tap for mana as it doesn't exist or the software doesn't recognize the land on the battlefield. I tried with full control mode, auto tap but still land was unusable.
I think the bug starts at 7:11 p.m according to log i found (log starts with game 3 of the round bu i already sent the full log report for the reimbursement request) -
EmoMcHipster#04967 commented
I also just lost because the game did not recognize my land drop. I played a mountain, and while the screen showed it on the battlefield the game acted as through I still had not made a land drop that turn. I then accidentally played a tap land and proceeded to lose.
a plains would not tap for mana and prevented me from playing a 3 drop
Piercedsun#54643 commented
I had the same thing happen today. Does this warrant some sort of gem refund since it was in a draft game?
Fae Daemon#81702 commented
Don't know if this is related, but I have been unable to tap land and use abilities based on that, even though the game explicitly gives me "control" and highlights said cards to indicate the option.
Also, my resolution options are all over the place, most of them recorded from when we could manually change the size of the window when playing in windowed mode.
Just coming back from a *long* hiatus, as to play decks you want to you need a bit of money, and I'm finally not unemployed anymore.
It's driving me f**king nuts trying to figure out where I"m "supposed to intuitively" wiggle the cards on screen to get them to acknowledge that yes, I want to use the five or six land available to activate your ****. I've tried both pre-tapping and auto-tapping. Sometimes it likes me and does the thing, other times it just noeps out, and I pass the round so I don't time out trying to make it f**king work.
Now, this is 10% maybe I'm a dipshit, and 90% seems like an input bug. But it's been quite a few matches that this has happened. Note that I have control, have no instant cards, and all it tells me is to tap the mana to use. But eyyy, I'm sure it's the 10% of me being a dipshit
GreaterGood#26225 commented
Seems this year old bug is still around. Happened multiple games today
pflotus#99910 commented
I had the same issue, but I couldn't even tap my untapped land to pay for the death trigger.
scorpia#57613 commented
figured out that it will let you put unspent red mana at the end of your opponents turn, just tap them before you move to your's still tricky playing spells because it will choose the mana out of the pool for what it thinks you have left to play...but if your careful it works until you get too many in the pool...but if lower amounts, just add only how much it will take of the other mana to play the spell and then add the rest of the red at the end of your opponents turn (or if they kill leyline tyrant)...sort of a work around...the game should let you use what to use out of the pool.
scorpia#57613 commented
This problem is not even fixed by tapping mana before you play the spell that ends the turn because it will use the mana how it wants, leaving some of each (i.e. a blue and red, instead of two reds). And even if you try to tap exactly how you want to play the spell on subsequent turns, it all goes in the pool and the same thing you really only need one red to play most red spells, but it will use the mana equally using up the red instead of all the other mana!?!?! The mechanics for this are just plain Arena...can you fix this?
Sage#78496 commented
same issue. premiere draft for ZEN rising
j0e1o#88163 commented
I had six mana (basic mountains) and a Leyline Tyrant in hand, played the Leyline Tyrant and the turn ended immediately with no chance to tap the two remaining lands. I tried to tap the two mana on the opponents turn but there was no option. Luckily the opponent destroyed Leyline Tyrant that turn and only then did the triggered death ability activate and allow me to tap the remaining lands.
Tradewind_Rider#53450 commented
Same here but with Castle Vantress
Nevan#53776 commented
I just had the same issue. Went to timer and dropped a swamp, the game wouldn't recognize it on the battlefield at all after that.
Horosha#69250 commented
my plains would not tap for mana until turn 7 or 8 where it worked itself out. i won the match regardless(though only due to it fixing itself) and figured I'd report it anyways. with the recent release of Ikoria its probabaly due to high server traffic
awfulunicorn#64362 commented
Play swamp immediatly after using a timeout
Actual Result:
Swamp cannot be selected to activate its mana ability. Autotapper doesn't recognize it.Expected Result:
Can tap swamp for mana