win a game in play modality (not ranked)make limited rank get a downgrade
win a game in play modality (not ranked)make limited rank get a downgrade
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Eorlanrod#37524 commented
I just won a game in standard non ranked and I lost one level on ranked diamond tier 2 level 3 to diamond tier 2 level 2 .
After that the game lost connection with the server and had to kill it and start it again.
Is this the expected way of rewarding wins?.Best regards.
Lorkar#44961 commented
Obviously they don't care...
Wadsn#14038 commented
Despite winning matches, rank does not advance. I am on silver 2 and stuck for some time now with the same number of steps in the ladder.
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'General Questions'.
It sounds like you may need some more troubleshooting advice, please submit at: and select 'Technical Troubleshooting'.
Jarikaburi#77268 commented
My mythic rank goes down when I win.
Britin13#06798 commented
Same problem here, noticed it twice in a row while playins tradicional ranked
Rafiq of the Few#00990 commented
Just one a game in Plat 4 and lost a rank instead of gaining. Any way I can get it undone?
DouglasAd13#45000 commented
Won a b03 match ranking did not move up,,just letting you know
In3verHeLp#24160 commented
Happened to me just now, twice in a row, though the wins count for daily achievements. Lost 6 bars in plat 1 altogether, which basically is a full promotion to diamond...
In3verHeLp#24160 commented
Happened to me just now, twice in a row, though the wins count for daily achievements. Lost 6 bars in plat 1 altogether, which basically is a full promotion to diamond...
Elf_Canceler#27455 commented
Rank not increasing despite wins
Diego#14427 commented
same problem today
Mad1954Max#20839 commented
April 23, 2020
The "bug" is back...Did not receive credit for last two (2) wins
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
Vlad_der_Failer#51555 commented
When playing Traditional Ranked it sometimes doesn't go to the sideboard after the first game and I just immediately lose the whole match. Additionally, my graphics card has a problem where I sometimes have to restart the game. Even when I reconnect in time to finish my turn and win the game, it still counts as a loss.
ElMariuolo#83351 commented
Same problem today
Tree#70744 commented
Same as the comment above. My opponent conceded. In the previous game (against a different opponent), I was kicked out by a network error.
Uncreative#91407 commented
I have not received points to my rank after my two most recent ranked match wins
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'General Questions'.