Scute Swarm Gamebreaking
I see no one posted this, but its a bug people are abusing hard even in Play Queue, the combo of making 700 "Scute Swarm" tokens making the opponent timeout or even lag out of the game, instead of the caster being the one timing out, giving free wins by breaking the game, luckily i had ''Peer Into the Abyss + Underworld Dreams'' and a high end PC that left me with 3-5 seconds before timing out and ended up winning even when opponent was spamming emotes thinking he timed me out while game was also lagging hard, this needs a FIX ASAP.
I had to cut the video a lot to try and make it fit here, and i couldn't fit it apparently video evidence is not welcome here, i have the full video of what happened if support needs it, i hope Reddit and Twitter is full of videos reporting this soon. If you are playing this deck you are doing it intentionally to get wins by breaking the game, and this should be punished.
quiznos#78960 commented
Infinite loops are unacceptable.
How is scute not banned yet? -
seulung#97553 commented
when the opponent gets lots of scute swarm triggers my timer running out while triggers resolving
seulung#97553 commented
when the opponent gets lots of scute swarm triggers my timer running out while triggers resolving
PureSelfishness#20416 commented
I have a really good PC and it sometimes lags with Scute Swarm. I'm thinking it's even possible someone could be losing with their Scute Swarm deck, so they just spam a bunch of lands and lag their opponent so badly that they time out.
Creypaper#09155 commented
When my opponent was playing lands with massive Scute Swarms on the table it caused ME to time out and take penalty. This cannot be working as intended.
Trickyfish#65981 commented
On mobile, when the Scute Swarm creatures goes over 100 count, the game freezes.
Guthrie#04330 commented
When Scute Swarm reaches it's maximum number (250) it's still counts down which takes too long calculate, forcing my timer to run out and lose the game. This is absolute **** programming on your side.
JBANK#41495 commented
Please restore the enjoyment of MTG arena by banning Scute Swarm in all formats. It is not an enjoyable experience for me to be timed out after I pushed "Resolve All" while my opponent makes 1000 copies of Scute Swarm. Why is MY timer affected there? Punish the person who played the ****** card and copied it 1000 times!!!!
Yermomatron#58283 commented
Instead of counting out each and every single copy of a creature that is replicating, why not total the number up and just add that number to the board? Why does the system force me to watch each and every single one of my Scute Swarm copies come out one at a time and take so long to do so that it forces me to take timeouts or skip turns entirely??? My ability to replicate an army of insects shouldn't be impeded by your system's inability to process the information. I have lost matches that I should have won and didn't because your game forces me to skip my turn for PLAYING TOO WELL?!? Sorry for abusing the mechanics of the game you made, but this is utter ********. I SHOULD NOT BE LOSING MATCHES BECAUSE YOUR SYSTEM SAYS I "RAN OUT OF TIME" TAKING A TURN, WHEN I CAN'T EVEN TAKE MY TURN BECAUSE YOUR SYSTEM IS TOO BUSY COUNTING 1 ******* CARD AT A TIME TO LET ME PLAY ANYTHING ELSE OR EVEN MOVE TO THE NEXT PHASE AND ATTACK... FIX THIS.
holyknight#19304 commented
yeah player SIGILL is doing this i feel like if your caught abusing things like this you should be banned for a week or indefinatly... lol or you forfeit your cards to the player you cheated against.....lmao
HordeDemonic#38059 commented
Doesn't really surprise me that WOTC hasn't banned Scute yet. That is one of the most broken cards i've seen in a long time. Does anyone actually play that in physical card tournaments?
Alcachaz#91940 commented
It'd be cool if whenever my opponent decides to drop a thousand scute swarm triggers on the stack that the game didn't
A. Burn all of my time outs
B. Skip my turn afterwardsI had auto-pass on and even selected resolve all for good measure.
osmotic#92421 commented
Yep, opponent's triggers caused me to lose to timeout even though resolve all was checked.
Vad#25772 commented
- Scute Swarm endless landfall cause to crash client
- Pc
- Ban card or rewrite client code -
Vad#25772 commented
- Scute Swarm endless landfall cause to crash client
- Pc
- Ban card or rewrite client code -
Vad#25772 commented
1. Scute Swarm endless landfall cause to crash client
2. Pc -
Vad#25772 commented
1. Scute Swarm endless landfall cause to crash client
2. Pc -
Yeangsta#77732 commented
Scute swarm triggered 1984 copies and once it was close to finishing, I lost the game without resolving anything. Didn't show a timer either which I had 2, once I had lost it said I had none.
BigKev17#94043 commented
1. Using Ashaya, Auspicious Starrix and various mutate cards, replicate scute swarm triggers until difficult for arena to handle, this results in triggers resolving longer than time I have.
2. Using a PC
3. Game and rank loss after timing out due to triggers taking to resolve (no action required from either player).
4. Resolve triggers without using timeout
5. Attached files
6. No work arounds. -
CoolieG#10116 commented
I had a similar issue, only I was the one with the Scute Swarm doing its thing with the Ancient Treewarden in play and some Fabled Passages. The Scute replication burned up all my timeouts and I lost a game that I would have won handily if the coders took triggered effects into consideration. Why can't there be a pause in the timeout counter while we wait for the effects to trigger?