Scute Swarm Gamebreaking
I see no one posted this, but its a bug people are abusing hard even in Play Queue, the combo of making 700 "Scute Swarm" tokens making the opponent timeout or even lag out of the game, instead of the caster being the one timing out, giving free wins by breaking the game, luckily i had ''Peer Into the Abyss + Underworld Dreams'' and a high end PC that left me with 3-5 seconds before timing out and ended up winning even when opponent was spamming emotes thinking he timed me out while game was also lagging hard, this needs a FIX ASAP.
I had to cut the video a lot to try and make it fit here, and i couldn't fit it apparently video evidence is not welcome here, i have the full video of what happened if support needs it, i hope Reddit and Twitter is full of videos reporting this soon. If you are playing this deck you are doing it intentionally to get wins by breaking the game, and this should be punished.
JackDalton#36651 commented
My opponent's Scute Swarm timed me out of my own turn even though he casted and triggered it on his turn. FIX THIS! It's ridiculous that my opponent got a free Nexus of Fate by exploiting high numbers of scute swarm triggers, further intentionally abusing the bug to force time outs by running other cards that trigger along with Scute Swarm, he was down to 16 cards and I was playing a Gyruda deck, I had the ability to mill the rest of his deck and win had I gotten to take my turn. Instead my turn timed me out. I don't mind over the top combos, it's why I like magic but exploiting the rope to keep players from taking their turn shouldn't be happening.
Nasuk#32628 commented
MTG Arena:
it´s impossible to play MGT with Scute Swarm card in game.There is a nonstop copy creatures and its worse if the oponnent plays mutations cards.
MTG must banned Scute Swarm and Ugin
Lukem336#82943 commented
I've had the same issue. The game froze for me during opponents turn and I was unable to play anything
Icy_Nova#15284 commented
It is easily handled with board clear or target spells. Lifelink can sustain you as you kill them off waiting for a clear if you cant target it before it multiplies. There is actually many ways to deal with this card, no matter which colour you are playing.
Malefactor#37664 commented
This card needs to be banned. Scute swarm plus mutate is broken and allows players to make a ridiculous number of creatures that aren't 1/1 when it comes out. It is fast becoming the most abused card in MTGA. Decks are built to bring it out as fast as possible and to resurrect it if it gets killed and then just churn out 20 100 whatever of the mutated copy of the creature. Only decks that can deal with it are another scute swarm deck or a deck full of mass exile/kill deck made specifically to deal with that deck. You might as well throw out all the other cards because you won't be able to build any other deck until this card gets banned. This is the most broken card I have seen yet and I have been playing arena since day 1.
Torre the Great#78934 commented
Just experienced the same issue: opponent started fetching lands and bringing them into play, till from about I'd say 30 Scute Swarms and upwards the client started lagging like crazy.
But the real issue is: he puts effects on the stack, I click Resolve All, and the timer that is consumed is mine. Surely this can't be correct?
For the chronicles, the client crashed after about 1 minute but just before it died it popped up notice that the game had ended for unknown reasons in a draw.
The design of the card is just a recipe for disaster, but short of outright banning it (it's not actually that strong), the client has to be updated to be able to manage geometrically progressing triggers. If too hard, then ban the **** thing :)
Omni Engel#00543 commented
Just ban the card. It's OP.
magusdakar#61768 commented
After my opponent has created 728 Scute Swarm TOkens all the times were out. then my turn goes directly to the end ,without any possibility to attack. Then during my opponent turn i got a victory before he can kill me with all the tokens... i don't kno why.
Tackyshotgun#77226 commented
I was just playing a ranked game of standard. I was playing a temur lands deck with genesis ultimatum and acute swarm. After waiting through over 1000 scute swarm triggers in a turn, it went to a solemn simulacrum etb trigger that genesis ultimatum had put onto the battlefield and I instantly lost the game.
Methyle#82672 commented
The game can't handle the Scute Swarm.
This meta is broken... cards need to be banned. -
ColaTurkaJr#83856 commented
I was just playing an half an hour game and the fact that I managed to make a 1000 scute swarm copies made me lost the game to what I believe were timeouts. this sucks and it's completely unfair. if you make a game that does something in its own rules, then how can someone exploring those be punished? I understand there's giant stacks to be calculated, but do like in real life. if you manage to have such a big stack that makes it hard to keep count, just give the victory to that person or make it a draw.
sasschad#37493 commented
Arena seems to have freaked out when too many Scute Swarm tokens were created. Used up my timeouts, then froze up altogether. Finally declared an error and ended the game in a draw. I had lethal this turn!
scrub lover#37492 commented
opponent using scute swarm to spawn hundreds of creatures causes game to lag, to the point that i use up all my timeouts even when attempting to "resolve all"
raziel_5#85836 commented
Can we get an update to the gatherer stating that the Scute Swarm tokens have the same CMC as the original Scute Swarm normally? Like if its cost is odd so are the tokens's CMC. Example: Since Scute Swarm's CMC is 3 it is odd and so are tokens it makes normally. It cost me a ranked game because I called the incorrect CMC using Extinction Event. I would have won the game if I had know that.
canned noob#43281 commented
I've also had issues with Scutes lagging me out. Why hasn't Scute Swarm been banned yet it either forces you to quit cause you have no way of dealing with dozens or hundreds of tokens without a lucky board wipe or they get tokens going and slow the game to a crawl. I'm honestly considering quitting the game over this one card
Raphix#20586 commented
With Scute Swarm (1000 token) the game crash ^^
Resphu#22353 commented
I hit a 1036 trigger and the game froze and ended in a draw
FmonoRed#99375 commented
Why would you of played that mess? It is just a terrible way of winning.
gunnydaman#44474 commented
During a ranked match an opponent blasted out a thousand scute swarms. The opponent did this knowing I was going to win the match the next round, but a bug caused me to burn all my timeouts instead of his while the scute swarm multiplied a thousand times.
This made it so I had no time to block his attacks...causing me to lose the game. Not happy about it.
Make sure Scute Swarm spamming doesn't burn non scute swarm player's timeouts. -
Jackdaw#58624 commented
Hey WotC.
Why you let such poor design happen u **** monkeys? :)
do u think it's every clueless new player's range to endure this? I have this player, probably a bot named b00n, abusing this. Maybe wake the *** up?
(Edited by admin)