Matchmaking sucks! I am tired of constant mirror matches
Matchmaking in Arena is unbalanced and unfair and most of all unfun. Constant mirror matches suck! Constantly playing against the same decks regardless of opponent sucks! please do true natural random matchmaking. skill based and deck strength matchmaking sucks and isn't fun.

C.S.Strowbridge#89254 commented
There should be an option to filter opponents based on a number of criteria.
You can move the slider from 1 to 10 for deck variety, for example. 1 being you don't care, 10 being you are willing to wait much longer for a game, as long as you haven't seen this deck recently.
The same for similar actions per minute. -
Broghar#91218 commented
This is from 2020! COME ON. This has been enough to make me uninstall the game on countless occasions over the years.
WHY? WHY do I play UW control against only control decks with blue then make a RB aggro and play against RB aggro? WHY doesn't this get fixed for ranked?
And the person who suggested making your own deck is wrong, I only use brews and it's the exact same problem.
It's a completely biased pool for matchmaking, and it makes it a joke. Beat the mirror = ez mythic.
RamRod037#58753 commented
Try building your own deck instead of the top-meta deck list.
Way fewer mirror-matches that way. -
jay1551#04248 commented
Worst **** i have even seen. You play specific decks and you get matched up against specific arche types. boring..............
Why cant it be random like it should be -
FBK2L2Q#37033 commented
Matchmaking sucks! What's the point.
northsidememory#55909 commented
When I play Limited I am almost always matched up against someone playing the same colors and often the same cards (rares and mythic rares) I am. It's unfortunate that Arena is the most convenient way to play MtG because it's so awful in so many ways.
Kobain21#32879 commented
Everytime I play any match since the last update. It is always a mirror match, no matter what type of deck I play the other player have a deck that is almost exactly the same. Same color, same card, matchmaking is now broken. The amount of money you guys make on this game, and the state of disrepair it is in is ridiculous. Fix this garbage 🗑️. Communicate with the community and the player base about the roadmap. Let us know our feedback isn't just falling on deaf ears.
minkusman83#49681 commented
The game just SUCKS. It always cheats, gives you impossible matchups, and did I mention it sucks?
pasemaker#16327 commented
Agreed. I'll switch decks to change up the match but just get re-mirrored against a different deck. Feels like being trapped and creates a negative experience.
If I'm playing unranked, I'm here to have FUN first, win second.
UltimoCzarniano#31823 commented
I have trouble because after coming back I only have the basic decks, and it's impossible to win with them
beatfux#23804 commented
our decks are most of the time matched against few very similar or identical types of decks and we can't do anything about it. there are so many other types of decks / strategies out there that we'll never be able to play against with certain decks, because the matchmaking doesn't allow it. it's not like the matched decks were the only ones that would create a "balanced" match and every other constellation would be unfair, we all know that.
it's more like the game matches you with something that couters your deck and it all comes down to drawing luck. where's the fun in that?
this only leads to more people following the meta and ultimately to most people playing the same decks / would be great to have a card filter option before playing a match, where you will not be matched against decks that contain the selected card(s).
vote for it here:
InsaneCommand#48036 commented
Honestly, that sounds less like a matchmaking problem and more like a game design problem.