Ban Ugin
If Ugin hits the board the game is over. Literally impossible to play around for most decks.
RavenNeverMore#73138 commented
Ugin The spirt planes walker needs to be banned it historic. It's too powerful any more.
Duke Destiny#75288 commented
Obviously the cries of Lame-O aggro deck builders and chumps who want to slap in a bunch of soft creatures with Lifelink so they can drop in a sorry Righteous Valkyrie. Don't cry about Power cards because you want to win with lame decks.
Silvertain#90288 commented
This card is a absolute joke just got beat by someone on 4 health I have 111 I have 9 full powered mobs out , then he says gg and plays Ugin. Great card guys I love how just biding time is a legit tactic
Guthrie#04330 commented
So many people are calling for the ban of Ugin outright. It's completely overpowered and very difficult to counter. And yet Alchemy has nerfed other cards???
Miracle 7#37993 commented
I thought I hated planeswalker decks before, but this is a new low even for wotc... Completely ruins all games - could at least destroy instead of exile with the boardwipe, feels more like an ultimate ability than a -X...
Trognar#48155 commented
Ugin is a garbage card with almost zero counterplay. Ban it, then delete every single person at the company who both had a hand in designing it and who wanted it kept in the game.
BlackSheep#10614 commented
Just got back into playing MTG Arena. I am so tired of playing a game for 10 mins finessing my way to victory and having someone play Ugin. Ruins the game. I am at the point now where whenever someone plays Ugin I time them out, something I would never usually do. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BAN BAN BAN
jjkobx#79606 commented
Fat lot of good this feedback did... Ugin will survive until the standard rotation (and will probably be re-printed yet again in a couple of years).
TwoString#84719 commented
Build whatever junk you want, just throw in Ugin and you'll win. Such a garbage card that should have never made it through playtesting...but then again, you'd actually have to playtest your product to figure it out.
Lizzard_Warrior#78105 commented
Ugin is BS. We have it banned in our paper group. If someone cast him, we kick that player from pub/kitchen. Broken card, unfun, played by skill-less players.
Wilock#74518 commented
Would you ban Ugin already! I can't believe you're willingness to wreck your own game. Unbelievable. Whoever is in charge of these things really, really, REALLY needs to be fired. Hire a chimp to do the job. It'd be more effective.
Austro_Sardine#10860 commented
Completely ruins the game for me. I've never asked for a card to be banned. I play and enjoy infinite combos for goodness sake, but Ugin is just devastating to the game. It is an instant win against almost any deck, and unlike other board wipes you can't come back from this. Just no opportunity to interact. Why did they ever think this was okay? How many players does this card make leave the game? I am getting close to being another one of them. This is ridiculous...
Chaos Kitten#71069 commented
This card is so overpowered, its not even funny.
If at least there was some kind of condition that he had to meet to be able to wipe the board and build loyalty counters while also having insane clear capability...
There are 5 colours. Only a colourless deck has a chance. That's no fun.
sness23#55651 commented
Ugin is making Magic Arena not fun for me. Right after it's played they wipe the board. Then each turn they do 3 points of damage and get +2 loyalty points so they can wipe the board soon again after. The 3 points of damage is so lame, it just keeps whittling down my life. I had a great game going and Ugin ruined it. More than once. Please ban Ugin.
WAKEUP#05872 commented
I started playing around 1996.
Making cards like this is ruining the game.
I just quit when someone plays it.
Ban Ugin. -
Rydun#30158 commented
I immediately rage quit mtg arena, not just the current game when i see thisncsrd come out. My field was doing very well and then Ugin comes and its game over in 2 turns no matter what. Im not gearing evey deck i have to play around Ugin. Ban it already
Johnny Demonic commented
Children play this game. Think of the harm Ugin does to their young, precious minds.
For God’s sake, WOTC, if nothing else, do it for the kids!
Darkwarrior21556#88404 commented
I just played a match against what I thought was a standard blue mill deck game was going pretty well till he wiped my board then played Ugin I killed one Ugin and he played another at that point i conceded Ban Ugin please
Velken#34087 commented
i've queued into a bunch of 8ugin in a row, can we just get it banned already?
DeathByDiddle#01998 commented
Slots into pretty much any non-aggro deck and immediately takes over the game in an uninteractive and unfun way, can't stand this card and how often I see it.