My turn was skipped even though it was still my opponents turn
Opponent embalmed with 5 anointed processions in play and triggered 1024 life triggers, it was my opponents turn, and the triggers were happening, I was tapped out and waited for them all to resolve, (having a boardwipe and alt win-con I didn't care that they had 1k life)
For some reason while the triggers were resolving my timeouts were being used and my opponent kept their two timeouts, immediatly after the triggers were done the game went back to my opponents turn, in like a split second.

syntax53#95724 commented
Opponent's repeated animation and trigger effects should not penalize your own timeouts. It should be the opposite!! This typically only happens when the opponent is utilizing multiple card synergies (aka gimics) that requires constant recycling of mana/cards/graveyard. These gimics ruin the experience for the person on the other side of the table having to sit through it all mashing the spacebar endlessly. The person gimic'ing should be the one penalized!
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