Bot AI in Draft is rigged
Hi MTG Arena,
I have read online and watched many a video when i became suspicious of your Draft Bot-AI, i recently won 3 games in a row in a draft and wondered if the rumours were true and i would get my face smashed in for the next game. Lo behold, i was mana flooded for like 6-8 turns and lost as a result. Ok, well, looks dodgy. 5th game, the Bot AI decided to just play a Ruin Crab turn 1, second Ruin Crab turn 2, and mill me for the next 4 turns till i was milled, and in that entire time, all the cards the bot played were uncommons. There needs to be more transparency in how the bot, shuffler and deck/skill match making is done, that Bot.AI deck was almost a premade and i've decided to quit MTG Arena, it's just not worth it. I've recorded all this on shadowplay if you want a copy, it is complete Bull.

failnation#65496 commented
Don't worry everyone, the algorithms have been thoroughly tested, and are "working as intended" (which is precisely the problem!). Wizbro won't fix the problem they created without legal action being taken against them, they've shown that they just don't care about the players year after year.
cc4life111222#49219 commented
one day the wrong person will get fed up with everything, then they are in for legal actions im sure!! :p hopefully then we will all get some peace of mind on if this games really what most paper players believe it is.
Bradistheman420#51910 commented
So how come whenever I draft the card pool is always the same yet I can open the same sets digital packs and see i wide variety of rares?
Hum I wonder what could be going on with this no way wotc would purposely always go be craps nothing cards as a way to try and rip me off? -
Bradistheman420#51910 commented
Yup still a rip off just did 4 drafts all 10 of the 12 rares where the exact same card!