MTGA is trash, WoTC is greedy
For all the money WoTC makes every year you would think they'd offer a better quality service than this MTGA bullsshhiitt. Just about every aspect of the software is awful. I've also noticed that the bullshiitt "unity crash handler" they run along with the main software causes more hangups and crashes than it helps, it also eats up an unbelievable amount of memory for all it functions as. You can run the game without unity crash handler with absolutely no problems at all. Also, with the advent of this game on mobile devices I see a lot of lawsuits on the horizon for damaged devices, I am certain unless you have an OP phone or tablet this game will cause the average device harm.

Display Name#31889 commented
I wish you could trade, buy, and sell singles. Like investing on your phone. Very disappointing. I think wizards would attract more people if they added a store for singles. I get tired of having to play junk decks while never having an opportunity to buy from previous sets.