UI is missing Daily Quests and Games Won wheel
After completing a match all the lower UI for daily quests, games, and mastery exp disappeared

eXbound#43469 commented
Completion of daily quest is also not adding to currency total in upper right hand corner for myself. Have claimed 4 or so dailys that had gold rewards and just realized I'm still at 9,375 which where started after I logged in. Nothing has been purchased in store.
TheWinkingWeasel#98325 commented
Did you try changing the language to English just to see if it would be there?
Tartuffion#82768 commented
Captured log
mano-ru#08794 commented
Lexxus#40556 commented
Такая же ерунда, дейлики не выполняются, началось сегодня после обновления
Dudditz77#01071 commented
Same happens to me almost daily. Would love to see WOC rectify this and compensate players somehow.
Belphegor#03414 commented
Wizard of the Coast doesn't care, but here's someone who might
"WOTC is located in the US State of Washington. You can file a consumer protection complaint online with the Washington State Attorney General’s office at https://fortress.wa.gov/atg/formhandler/ago/ComplaintForm.aspx. Basically complain that due to a defect in their product, you aren’t getting what you paid for, nor are you getting appropriately compensated, and you feel that is a violation of consumer protection laws."
Mullet_Mayhem#27470 commented
I’ve experienced a problem with the mastery events earned. In the first nine levels there are varies wild card prizes that you should normally earn and I wasn’t awarded any of them. I got all the other prizes but none of the wild card prizes.
butako#12902 commented
二度とこのゲームやらないので返金してください。 -
nb1991#64087 commented
had a couple of 750gp quests but then they disappeared when doing a sealed event.
siraga#20797 commented
Nagisa_Kirise#38978 commented
ケセラ#87590 commented
79c-n9nf-3bq#78722 commented
BriberYN#81446 commented
triton#33396 commented
Gunslinger1911#37291 commented
Same here as well. have not registered and I'm stuck at 18/20 casting black or white spells. Plus not getting rewards for wins.
Atshiy#50350 commented
bluesogna#61529 commented
kurage#09872 commented
I have the same problem and I got an extra gold not intentionally.