UI is missing Daily Quests and Games Won wheel
After completing a match all the lower UI for daily quests, games, and mastery exp disappeared

Kannon Masamune#73021 commented
Same issue
menchirox#67662 commented
Same here, I wonder if my quest completed or if I’ll have the same 3 as before I completed my sealed draft
cardchucker420#69031 commented
same for me i won a match and stopped displaying daily and weekly quests. it still work becuase i got a mastery point after playing another match, i also quit and then logged out to try and see if it reset but its just is not showing those things.
legolas#45622 commented
Same for me, don't see friends list and any daily mission, trying to reinstalling and relog but nothing happens
James#19017 commented
Same issue, plus completing quests/wins does not show any reward screen after the matches either. I doubt we will be able to swap out daily quests either until this is fixed.
IH8BOOMERS#65745 commented
Having same issue, uninstalled and reinstalled and it continued
VietRocka#65973 commented
Cannot see rewards or friends list. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Also logging out and back into my account.
Kraken5#01270 commented
Having the same issue, logged in and out on ios, then switched to PC , neither has daily's or wheel. and no gold or XP acquired after several wins. Rank still changes though.
Xenos#03089 commented
After finishing a match I encountered the same issue. I tried to log out and back in but it didn't work. Next I will try a reinstall and I'll update this comment.
Blaznak#88037 commented
I'm not seeing any rewards OR Friday Night Magic.
evilchucky999#31395 commented
Having this problem as well. Any fixes?
altouach#42596 commented
i have the same problem, any knows to fix it?
Katsujyu#63874 commented
same here
deadcatbounce#43217 commented
Same for me, quests disappeared after I had completed the 3 new daily quests after the last update.
FrakkedOrFiction#33588 commented
I've got the same issue - no rewards or progress after games either.
Shawaine#87120 commented
I'm experiencing the same issue.
Elanor#54429 commented
Same issue
Solice#28695 commented
not getting any credit for won matches.
Eno#50067 commented
Same here!
Tychu#82227 commented
Same here!